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Introductions thread - please say hello!

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Hello! 14/01/2018 at 19:07 #105071
1 posts
Hi all, life long rail enthusiast here, cleaner at both York & Bank Top stations. I get to watch what goes on in control @ Bank Top quite a lot, looking forward to having a crack at this and engaging with others,

Best Regards,
Andy P

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Newbie - Ben Broomfield :) 14/01/2018 at 22:49 #105087
2 posts

Im Ben Broomfield, a railway photographer & a volunteer at Swanage Railway in Dorset.

Im fascinated by the signaling section of the railway & hope this gives some interpretation of how it all operates!

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Introductions thread - please say more than just hello! 14/01/2018 at 23:18 #105088
1 posts
just a friendly hello to say i'm a real human being thanks for all the hard work as well!
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Hi 15/01/2018 at 16:34 #105095
1 posts
hi i have recently got into train driving games and i was looking for a signalling game and found this and it looks great.
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Introductions thread - please say more than just hello! 15/01/2018 at 20:43 #105115
1 posts
Hi everyone.......looking forward to playing
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Introductions thread - please say more than just hello! 15/01/2018 at 22:10 #105116
1 posts
Hi guys! Greetings from Austria!
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Introductions thread - please say more than just hello! 18/01/2018 at 09:25 #105184
12 posts
I am dubeland, from Australia, the land down under, but even though we are upside down on your map of the world, our lower quads still work in the 0 to 270 degree quadrant and upper quads in the 0 to 90 quadrant. Very interested in NSW government railway mechanical signalling and safe working, which was based on British practice. About to purchase first sigsim simulation, more concerned about the downloading and computer related aspects of the package than actually running the simulation, any way we will see how we go.

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Introductions thread - please say more than just hello! 18/01/2018 at 13:20 #105186
2 posts
hello there I have just brought oxford I'm not sure how it all works theses days, its been probably over 5 years since ive done sim sig. how do I get the sim started as when I go to manage license it just comes up with red stop signs.. I'm yet to receive any email.. do I need to wait for that to come through
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Introductions thread - please say more than just hello! 18/01/2018 at 13:33 #105187
1623 posts
Doghouse75 in post 105186 said:
hello there I have just brought oxford I'm not sure how it all works theses days, its been probably over 5 years since ive done sim sig. how do I get the sim started as when I go to manage license it just comes up with red stop signs.. I'm yet to receive any email.. do I need to wait for that to come through
Probably worth posting your own thread about it rather than cluttering up the “Welcome” thread - but as a quick query - What do you mean “red stop signs” - can you post a screenshot or quote the error message you’re getting?

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Introductions thread - please say more than just hello! 19/01/2018 at 08:53 #105226
1 posts
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Introductions thread - please say more than just hello! 20/01/2018 at 15:12 #105270
1 posts

I am Peter from Austria. I am looking forward to play with SimSig.

Best regards,

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Introductions thread - please say more than just hello! 21/01/2018 at 11:26 #105283
1 posts
Hello, I am new to SimSig and I am looking forward to playing!
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Good Afternoon dear friends of SimSig 22/01/2018 at 17:55 #105345
1 posts
Hello Good afternoon my name is Fernando, I am sixty years old and I worked with Signal Man at FEPASA R.R. I was invited by a friend of Grupo C.T.C. to play through this website. Thank you.

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Introductions thread - please say more than just hello! 23/01/2018 at 01:21 #105366
1 posts
Hello, i have always been fascinated with the way train routes work and have been looking for something like this for a while. while i haven't actually got to using it yet, but by the looks of it it will be. can't wait to have a nosey once the software's all setup & especially can't wait to try some of the more complicated levels (once i've got the hang of it first)

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A newcomer to the world of modern signalling! 23/01/2018 at 08:59 #105368
1 posts
Hi I'm an experienced metro system project management professional and as here to learn the art of signalling and simulations. I'm based outside the UK but would be glad to learn whatever you guys have to offer.


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Introductions thread - please say more than just hello! 23/01/2018 at 16:29 #105383
1 posts
Hello there. I am new to Simsig, it being recommended to me by a friend. I am a S&T apprentice for Network Rail and a bit of a train buff interested in signalling and model signalling, this looks good already!


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Introductions thread - please say more than just hello! 23/01/2018 at 16:39 #105384
Joe Rawlings
1 posts
hi my name is joe and i love railways and signaling
Hello eveyone

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Introductions thread - please say more than just hello! 24/01/2018 at 04:44 #105408
1 posts
Hey, I recently found Simsig on the internet and was very excited to try it myself. I really love simulations of every type truck, plane, cars, and now Trains.
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Introductions thread - please say more than just hello! 24/01/2018 at 12:23 #105409
1 posts
Hello, I'm not a robot, I'm British. Tried Oxted, but while I'm sure its realistic, its more complicated than my interest. Bye
Last edited: 24/01/2018 at 13:24 by vicarage
Reason: None given

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Introductions thread - please say more than just hello! 24/01/2018 at 15:40 #105412
1 posts
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Introductions thread - please say more than just hello! 24/01/2018 at 16:52 #105414
1 posts
Hello im new to this game.
I work as a train dispatcher

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Enthusiast 26/01/2018 at 17:17 #105492
Philip J. King
1 posts
I have been a railway enthusiast all my life so thought it about time I tried some of these simulations.
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Introductions thread - please say more than just hello! 26/01/2018 at 17:29 #105494
1 posts
Hi thanks for letting me join. look forward to playing the sims.
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Introductions thread - please say more than just hello! 27/01/2018 at 12:43 #105516
1 posts
Been a railway enthusiast for a while - thought I might try SimSig after hearing about it.

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Introductions thread - please say more than just hello! 28/01/2018 at 09:45 #105536
1 posts
Thanks, new user here
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