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Replaying (payware) sims in multiplayer

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Replaying (payware) sims in multiplayer 10/06/2017 at 21:36 #95789
6 posts
Hi All,

I like playing together and I noticed that a lot of payware sims are being played. (Although I am Dutch, ) I do not mind paying for a sim. However, it seems to me that there is no one (payware) sim which get played twice on multiplayer. I find the sims a bit pricey to buy them for one time use only. I can understand it takes a significant amount of effort to create a sim/TT, so it is not my intention to argue about payware or how much a sim costs. However, how do you see this? How - or in which order - did you bought the sims?

Kind regards,

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Replaying (payware) sims in multiplayer 10/06/2017 at 22:33 #95790
6362 posts
I'm not sure I fully understand your post but these are the games people have advertised in the last 2 months:

Rugby chain
Motherwell Edinburgh Chain starts 18:30 30/04/17
Peterborough + kings cross
Rugby chain
Motherwell Cont...
Bristol+Swindon+Westbury chain
South Humberside
Kings Cross - Chaos
Victoria central 2015
TRIPLE CHAIN King Cross Peterborough Cambridge 19:30 connections 20:00 start
KingX with trouble (2013 TT)
Tyneside 2016
Central Scotland projectX
Central Scotland projectX
Kings Cross 2014 timetable
TRIPLE CHAIN King Cross Peterborough Cambridge 19:30 connections 20:00 start
Central Scotland and Edinburgh chain
Kings Cross 1985 - 1986
Central Scotland + Edinburgh chain continue
Wimbledon+Felham chain
Exeter Project X
Kings Cross
Peterborough 2010
New Street
Peterborough 2010
New Street chain
CScot projectX
Victoria Cenrtal
Exeter Project X 0445
Victoria SE
Victoria SE continuation
West Midlands Chain
Exeter Weekday 2016
Leeds + York chain

Deleted games (whether before or after the event) are not listed. Many people play games without advertising in the game section - sometimes in the Shout Box, or on the Teamspeak channel.

SimSig Boss
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Replaying (payware) sims in multiplayer 11/06/2017 at 07:55 #95794
2158 posts
Vinvar in post 95789 said:
Hi All,

I find the sims a bit pricey to buy them for one time use only.

Kind regards,

All sims are design to be played stand alone. They may be used as many times as you like.


Barry, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Last edited: 11/06/2017 at 07:56 by BarryM
Reason: None given

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Replaying (payware) sims in multiplayer 11/06/2017 at 08:55 #95795
Peter Bennet
5396 posts
These are not simulations that are intended to be played once and thrown away.
Kings Cross has been a firm favourite for years.
Anyone can host any Sim they like, including you, and invite others to join; so never say never.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Replaying (payware) sims in multiplayer 11/06/2017 at 10:25 #95796
6 posts
Hi All, thanks for the replies. I was a bit overwhelmed by all the different sims. Your replies gave me a lot of insight. My question is: looking at the advertised list of games hosted and without a 100+ pound budget, which sim would you recommend I should buy?

Based on the list of advertised sims, 42,8% of the games hosted were freeware sims (if I count correctly). So, these I can join. If I would buy Cscot for instance, it gives me an aditional 11%, bringing the total games I can join over the 50%. This was the kind of information I was looking for, so thank you GeoffM/all! :)
Only thing might be the 'non advertised' sims on the TeamSpeak. But that is something for later use.

Kind regards,

Last edited: 11/06/2017 at 10:26 by Vinvar
Reason: None given

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Replaying (payware) sims in multiplayer 11/06/2017 at 10:42 #95797
5240 posts

I think you are making more of a big deal about the multiplay sessions than you need to. There are far more people who use the sims in single player mode than who take part in multiplay sessions. Better to use the demo mode to find sims that you can enjoy and then buy them. You can always join a multiplay if one comes up for a sim you own but you can also have hours of entertainment (or maybe hard work) using the sim by yourself.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Replaying (payware) sims in multiplayer 11/06/2017 at 19:21 #95810
6362 posts
One thing you might consider is whether ARS (Automatic Route Setting) is included. This allows you to play a larger simulation on your own, or turn the ARS off if you have enough people playing. Indeed, many multiplayer games with ARS start with ARS on until enough players join, then it is gradually switched off.

All games have the ability to save and continue at a later date. Even if you played it standalone before the save, you can continue as a multiplay (and vice versa).

SimSig Boss
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Replaying (payware) sims in multiplayer 14/06/2017 at 11:10 #95837
600 posts
Would it be advisable to have a multiplay request thread (if there isn't one already).

I know people including myself often take requests as to what is posted as Multiplay.

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Replaying (payware) sims in multiplayer 14/06/2017 at 17:26 #95840
6 posts
GeoffM, Guts, thanks for the tips!
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