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Loading Timetables

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Loading Timetables 19/07/2017 at 06:49 #96484
21 posts
Hi All
Sorry if this has been covered else where I did try going back previous threads and could not found a similar question
I wish to load a timetable how is this done

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Loading Timetables 19/07/2017 at 06:55 #96485
Peter Bennet
5396 posts
Not sure what you mean by "load", all timetables that come with the Sim should be placed in the correct locations and should be available when you launch the sim. If you mean additional timetables that you download then they need placing in the same folder as the default ones.

Perhaps have a search through the Wiki and see if it helps with your question.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Loading Timetables 03/08/2017 at 17:47 #97856
33 posts
I'm having problems loading user contributed timetables into the sims in the Loader, i've found the address the main sim is however the timetable won't load into the sim.
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Loading Timetables 03/08/2017 at 18:00 #97857
1105 posts
Statto in post 97856 said:
I'm having problems loading user contributed timetables into the sims in the Loader, i've found the address the main sim is however the timetable won't load into the sim.
If you want to load user contributed timetables you need to put then in the timetable folder, you just need to goto the SimSig folder (normally in public documents) and you should see 2 folders one named "Simulations" and the other "Timetables" just select the timetables folder then find the folder for the sim you wish to add the timetable for, for example if you are wanting to add a timetable for York you would put it in the "yorkns" folder. now when you start to load the sim the timetable should appear in the Timetable selection screen.

Last edited: 03/08/2017 at 18:05 by MarkC
Reason: edit

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Loading Timetables 03/08/2017 at 19:36 #97861
33 posts
Done exactly that & timetable still won't appear in the sim, trying to load Wolverhampton 2015 timetable,
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Loading Timetables 03/08/2017 at 19:47 #97862
1105 posts
Statto in post 97861 said:
Done exactly that & timetable still won't appear in the sim, trying to load Wolverhampton 2015 timetable,
Have you put the extracted wtt file in the folder or the zip file

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Loading Timetables 03/08/2017 at 19:53 #97863
211 posts
I can say that this loading of timetables is not as easy as its made out to be. For one thing, my SimSig folders appear in at least two places for the new "loader" sims and somewhere else for the "non-loader" sims. This is probably due to the multiple combination of saving locations on the loader. Why did the designer find it necessary to complicate this issue? Would it not have been more sensible to have one saving location only for the people who are not proficient with computers? To add to the confusion, windows are not consistent in the way they store files in the public folder.
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Loading Timetables 03/08/2017 at 20:15 #97864
1105 posts
Ray in post 97863 said:
I can say that this loading of timetables is not as easy as its made out to be. For one thing, my SimSig folders appear in at least two places for the new "loader" sims and somewhere else for the "non-loader" sims. This is probably due to the multiple combination of saving locations on the loader. Why did the designer find it necessary to complicate this issue? Would it not have been more sensible to have one saving location only for the people who are not proficient with computers? To add to the confusion, windows are not consistent in the way they store files in the public folder.
Default installation of SimSig loader sims is to SimSig in the public documents folder (windows 7** location C:\Users\Public\Documents\SimSig) it is then divided into a folder for sims called "Simulations" where the *.sim is located and the folders in the "Simulations" folder are for splash screens and sometimes GF diagrams, the other folder the SimSig folder is "Timetables" and in it are folders for the timestables for the sims you have. unless you have selected a different location to install to that is where they are saved.

The non-loader sims install in "program files" (program files (x86)) if using a 64bit OS) when saving games or timetable for these it saves them in a virtual folder in the users "AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\SimSig" ("AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\SimSig" for 64bit pc's) the reason for this is windows secuity not SimSig's programming.

A brief rundown on why this happens is that under normal circumstances users cannot write to the program files folder as admin rights are needed so as to save the data windows writes it to the above folder for the user, this applies even to users in the admin group, as to why this even happens to users who are in the admin group is that on login windows assigns users who are in the admin group 2 security keys, one for user level and one for admin level, and under most circumstances programs are ran on the user key but if the user attempts to run a program that requires admin rights the user is prompted to elevate, as windows saves files for users in their user folder, programs like SimSig will not normally prompt for elevate rights on the old non-loader sims.

** = I use windows 7 so for me thats the default location I do not know if it is different on windows XP/Vista/8/8.1 or 10, and defenatly not on linux or Mac OS

Last edited: 03/08/2017 at 20:20 by MarkC
Reason: added info

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Loading Timetables 03/08/2017 at 20:24 #97865
6362 posts
Ray in post 97863 said:
Why did the designer find it necessary to complicate this issue? Would it not have been more sensible to have one saving location only for the people who are not proficient with computers? To add to the confusion, windows are not consistent in the way they store files in the public folder.
You answered your own question with that last sentence! Some years ago Microsoft decided to change the way programs could access their data. Prior to that the generally accepted place was Program Files, but after that it was considered a security risk. So Microsoft now requires us developers to use a better location - in SimSig's case we use Public Documents so anybody on that PC can use the software.

SimSig Boss
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Loading Timetables 03/08/2017 at 21:08 #97873
2158 posts
Have the Folder Options in the Loader been ticked? Sorry if has been mentioned. My eyes are playing up.


Barry, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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Loading Timetables 04/08/2017 at 08:50 #97885
211 posts
Well thank you for explaining all this. Your explanations only go to show that its quite a complicated business to load a timetable. Just one thought - if the loader program is so clever, why is it not possible for it to load any submitted timetable automatically into the correct folder ready for immediate use ?
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