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Constant Advertisement Never Delivering 19/01/2018 at 20:41 #105238
4869 posts
With my moderation hat on, I'd like to get some feedback from the wider forum on the hosting section of the website. Several people have PMd me and complained that certain people are posting games up all the time, but at the last minute cancel or postpone them to another day and the cycle repeats.

Would people prefer stricter moderation if this is becoming an issue?

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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The following users said thank you: tjfrancis, bri2808, pedroathome, HST125Scorton, BarryM, Ar88
Constant Advertisement Never Delivering 19/01/2018 at 20:49 #105239
914 posts
headshot119 in post 105238 said:
With my moderation hat on, I'd like to get some feedback from the wider forum on the hosting section of the website. Several people have PMd me and complained that certain people are posting games up all the time, but at the last minute cancel or postpone them to another day and the cycle repeats.

Would people prefer stricter moderation if this is becoming an issue?
Cant help but think that maybe, we need to go back to how I remember hosting. A game would be posted with fairly short notice, AND WOULD ALWAYS, or almost always go ahead. Games further in advance would also almost always go ahead when there was a more significant element to it than just a single sim or two.


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The following user said thank you: HST125Scorton
Constant Advertisement Never Delivering 19/01/2018 at 21:06 #105240
1182 posts
I'm particularly fed up with 'one' where it never goes ahead..I think we all know who!. I think moderation on the upcoming games is very much needed... I regularly try and host when I can between my job on the real railway and family. I had to shift one host this week to next week due to work commitments but they both will still be going ahead as planned.
Aaron (AJRO) | Timetable Writer
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Constant Advertisement Never Delivering 19/01/2018 at 22:29 #105242
6361 posts
The question is how to moderate since one doesn't know a game will be cancelled until it is cancelled, by which time it's disappeared anyway.
SimSig Boss
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Constant Advertisement Never Delivering 19/01/2018 at 22:54 #105243
359 posts
headshot119 in post 105238 said:
With my moderation hat on, I'd like to get some feedback from the wider forum on the hosting section of the website. Several people have PMd me and complained that certain people are posting games up all the time, but at the last minute cancel or postpone them to another day and the cycle repeats.

Would people prefer stricter moderation if this is becoming an issue?
Stricter moderation is needed but I think before a User/Users can host they need to be some sort of Steps they need to follow before they are allowed to host.

I am dyslexic so please consider this when reading my posts
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Constant Advertisement Never Delivering 19/01/2018 at 23:27 #105244
1021 posts
Something needs done, It seemed that when someone put up a session others wouldn't really 'hijack' that persons host by putting on of their own up. (I get that this isn't a rule as such, and anyone can host any time, that's not an issue) but we are all now scrambling to try and set up a game for those who have been waiting for an advertised host that never comes to fruition.

Also it seems chaining sims is the most 'in' thing atm. Normally requiring up to double digit attendees. Straight to the point, we've all been waiting two weeks for a said session to run. Session is so late it makes any UK TOC look like their running an RT service every day!

Personally for me hosting, I now know that I have to wait until I have a full compliment of family (The wife) in the house, so that the kids are looked after throughout the night, which is a big ask if I was going to host every few evenings etc. So we've [Wife] have agreed that I can have two sessions a month just while the baby is growing and not sleeping the whole night.

We can all respect that things happen last minute. But if you know that those issues aren't going to be resolved overnight, or within a week, month...whatever, then just give up advertising and come back when you know that you can host a full session etc. Everyone is still going to be here.

At the end of the day, it's a classic story of the boy who cried "WOLF!". If not already happening, people are going to just organize their own host at the same time & date and everyone is going to follow that person there.

Then if you look deeper into it...Donation ware Sims are then sprung up for the audiences that only use such sims, and then they are left hanging too.

I am aware that this will be obvious as to whom it is intended, but tbh it's becoming a joke, and several members of the community are getting right ... off about it.

The other option is to simply ignore the irritation and advertise a session as normal, and have faith in the community to know who will actually run a semi-decent session. (No reference to anyone who has recently joined the community and are learning etc)

Geoff in relation to your post.... A 'Sin-Bin'approach, 1 week time-out (Example) Block user for X amount of time? I dunno, just a thought.

Anyway, for a sober rant, I'm impressed.

How to report an issue: www.SimSig.co.uk/Wiki/Show?page=usertrack:reportanissue
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The following users said thank you: KymriskaDraken, Trainfan344, bri2808, headshot119, Meld, Temple Meads
Constant Advertisement Never Delivering 20/01/2018 at 01:56 #105249
1599 posts
There's certainly an element of "don't let it bother you" - although I fully confess I deliberately tend not to pay too much attention to the games area; and just host what I want when I want. Hosting tends to be when I know I have players; the games module only thus being used to advertise connection details to other users.

I can however see a large game being advertised putting off others from hosting.

Some thoughts on how the "problem" could be reduced (apologies if any of it already exists, like I said not played with the games feature much!)

> Users can only put a new game up for 1 week in advance. I mean can anyone really and honestly tie their free time down sooner than that? Option for moderators/admins to extend that time frame on request at their discretion.

> Users can only usually have 1 "planned" game advertised at a time - advertising 2nd and subsequent games prior to start date and time subject to admin/moderator approval at their discretion.

> Changed start times are recorded and displayed in the game details - perhaps originals somehow struck out or greyed out italics, with new times below?

> Once a game is advertised, its start day is locked in; but in order to preserve options for late issues etc option to postpone for a small number of hours retained.

> Once a games advertised start time comes, users get say 30 minutes to change status to started/paused or game automagically shows up as cancelled until its advertised end time. (Insert nominal time to show game as "cancelled" where no end time specified).

> Record each game a user hosts, including cancelled games, as a viewable option to members in that users' profile.

> Option to display the recent "form" of a host - perhaps the last 3 to 5 games that user has hosted as a collapsible display. Allows players to judge whether the user has been hosting and cancelling a lot, or generally hosting what they say they will when they will.

> Perhaps slightly more advanced/wish listy - allow the website to connect to a game and then automatically take running status (started/paused/etc), sim time and (perhaps?) number of connections and put that into the games module live. Would also allow users to test their port-forwarding automatically (they could check in their own game status to see if website has connected successfully). Expand multiplayer control window for hosts to enable them to publish per-sim statuses such as "full", "closing" and so on.


On the separate issue of chains being the "in" thing - I re-post my advice I always give when people ask about hosting/chaining for the first time:

As host you are potentially, and often likely, going to get very new players who have never played before. You are going to have to sort out issues that players encounter and be the point of contact for when someone doesn't know or understand what to do. While inexperienced hosts are of course welcome - as we all have to start somewhere - I would recommend that users don't host a sim at all until they are comfortable operating it on their own, are familiar with sim-specific features documented in the manual, ground frames and so-on.

Hosts should never plan on running a workstation - they have enough work to do as host, but that shouldn't preclude them from doing so if there aren't sufficient players. Nothing is more off-putting for joining than a user hosting sim X and proclaiming in the description that they will be working the busiest panel, Z. - My question to them is usually if they're working panel Z who is hosting?

With chains those criteria multiply. You need to be able to keep a close eye on all sims you are hosting; and be familiar with all sims you are hosting and chaining to (in the event of multiple hosts). Even as a very experienced player and host I would never really be comfortable hosting more than 3 sims myself (outside of meets) - and only then if I could dedicate myself solely to hosting duties.

Finally when hosting you are making a commitment to the people you've advertised your game to. Don't advertise a game going on all night and then quit/pause after 30 minutes because your favourite sit-com is on, or you haven't had dinner yet. Host a game that you can give your undivided attention to. Emergencies happen, router problems etc, that's fine as long as you communicate with your players.

These aren't rules - just an etiquette. But following it makes the game more enjoyable for your players, and at the end of the day that is what hosting is about - you are the host, not a player.

Last edited: 20/01/2018 at 02:00 by JamesN
Reason: Spelling and Formatting changes.

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The following users said thank you: DriverCurran, Hap, postal, Trainfan344, KymriskaDraken, whatlep, 304033
Constant Advertisement Never Delivering 20/01/2018 at 12:22 #105260
Peter Bennet
5395 posts
I'd not favour something that required Moderators to have to actively monitor and intervene given that this is really just a facility to enable players to get together. I don't think SimSig has ever had aspirations, nor should it, to police what is a private arrangement albeit advertised on the website. But there's scope to explore how it may be possible to put in some automatic minor restrictions.

JamesN in post 105249 said:

> Users can only put a new game up for 1 week in advance. I mean can anyone really and honestly tie their free time down sooner than that? Option for moderators/admins to extend that time frame on request at their discretion.

I was wondering that, can the Game area be set to allow posting only (say) 168 hour in advance.

JamesN in post 105249 said:

> Users can only usually have 1 "planned" game advertised at a time - advertising 2nd and subsequent games prior to start date and time subject to admin/moderator approval at their discretion.

A restriction on the number of open games a person could have could be explored but might be a bit draconian as a first step, or there's a reasonably generous allowance (say 3 or 4) to test the idea. Not sure about dragging in Moderators to override the restriction.

JamesN in post 105249 said:

> Changed start times are recorded and displayed in the game details - perhaps originals somehow struck out or greyed out italics, with new times below?

> Once a game is advertised, its start day is locked in; but in order to preserve options for late issues etc option to postpone for a small number of hours retained.

> Once a games advertised start time comes, users get say 30 minutes to change status to started/paused or game automagically shows up as cancelled until its advertised end time. (Insert nominal time to show game as "cancelled" where no end time specified).

Might be a bit OTT.

JamesN in post 105249 said:

> Record each game a user hosts, including cancelled games, as a viewable option to members in that users' profile.

Ended games are stored for a period of time and we Moderators can see them. What is not apparently shown are games that have been deleted, so we have no audit trail to check back what the reality was. It might be better to store that data and we could look into it if we get complaints.

JamesN in post 105249 said:

> Option to display the recent "form" of a host - perhaps the last 3 to 5 games that user has hosted as a collapsible display. Allows players to judge whether the user has been hosting and cancelling a lot, or generally hosting what they say they will when they will.

Might be a bit OTT, might have DPA implications.

JamesN in post 105249 said:

> Perhaps slightly more advanced/wish listy - allow the website to connect to a game and then automatically take running status (started/paused/etc), sim time and (perhaps?) number of connections and put that into the games module live. Would also allow users to test their port-forwarding automatically (they could check in their own game status to see if website has connected successfully). Expand multiplayer control window for hosts to enable them to publish per-sim statuses such as "full", "closing" and so on.

Sounds complicated and a bit Orwellian.

JamesN in post 105249 said:

On the separate issue of chains being the "in" thing - I re-post my advice I always give when people ask about hosting/chaining for the first time:

As host you are potentially, and often likely, going to get very new players who have never played before. You are going to have to sort out issues that players encounter and be the point of contact for when someone doesn't know or understand what to do. While inexperienced hosts are of course welcome - as we all have to start somewhere - I would recommend that users don't host a sim at all until they are comfortable operating it on their own, are familiar with sim-specific features documented in the manual, ground frames and so-on.

Hosts should never plan on running a workstation - they have enough work to do as host, but that shouldn't preclude them from doing so if there aren't sufficient players. Nothing is more off-putting for joining than a user hosting sim X and proclaiming in the description that they will be working the busiest panel, Z. - My question to them is usually if they're working panel Z who is hosting?

With chains those criteria multiply. You need to be able to keep a close eye on all sims you are hosting; and be familiar with all sims you are hosting and chaining to (in the event of multiple hosts). Even as a very experienced player and host I would never really be comfortable hosting more than 3 sims myself (outside of meets) - and only then if I could dedicate myself solely to hosting duties.

Finally when hosting you are making a commitment to the people you've advertised your game to. Don't advertise a game going on all night and then quit/pause after 30 minutes because your favourite sit-com is on, or you haven't had dinner yet. Host a game that you can give your undivided attention to. Emergencies happen, router problems etc, that's fine as long as you communicate with your players.

These aren't rules - just an etiquette. But following it makes the game more enjoyable for your players, and at the end of the day that is what hosting is about - you are the host, not a player.
Might be an idea for those involved in hosting regularly to agree amongst themselves a code of conduct which we can publish.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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The following users said thank you: postal, KymriskaDraken, Hap, BarryM
Constant Advertisement Never Delivering 20/01/2018 at 13:39 #105263
310 posts
I know that I sometimes will put a game up weeks in advance (which I admit I could leave off until maybe a few days prior, or max a week beforehand), but I agree that some moderation needs to take place.

Constant reschedule/cancellations are becoming tedious. Without mentioning names, when you put up a "Post New Years Bash" and then reschedule it 6-7 times to the end of January? Not really a "Post New Years" then if we're already almost 1 full month in...

If asked, I will happily not stick games up weeks-in-advance and leave it to a few days prior or a week prior. More than happy to do that if requested.

Alternatively, maybe start up a fun new SimSig game?

"Will It Run Tonight?" & make a drinking chart for every cancellation/reschedule by a particular!

The Welsh contingent. Aron, or Ar to mates. Also known as 88E or ThatManCalledAr.
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Constant Advertisement Never Delivering 20/01/2018 at 13:41 #105264
310 posts
Also an additional - I can imagine that a new member would be put-off hosting if they can see multiple hosts pre-planned by the same person, & having the nearest available date pushed weeks ahead....

This is why SOMETIMES my hosts are a week+ in advance due to no available date.

The Welsh contingent. Aron, or Ar to mates. Also known as 88E or ThatManCalledAr.
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Constant Advertisement Never Delivering 20/01/2018 at 13:50 #105265
162 posts
Ar88 in post 105264 said:
Also an additional - I can imagine that a new member would be put-off hosting if they can see multiple hosts pre-planned by the same person, & having the nearest available date pushed weeks ahead....

This is why SOMETIMES my hosts are a week+ in advance due to no available date.
Why? I don't see anything wrong with more than one game being hosted on a night. Its only a few people that seem to have an issue with more than one game being hosted of an evening

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The following user said thank you: Stephen Fulcher
Constant Advertisement Never Delivering 20/01/2018 at 13:53 #105266
310 posts
bri2808 in post 105265 said:
Ar88 in post 105264 said:
Also an additional - I can imagine that a new member would be put-off hosting if they can see multiple hosts pre-planned by the same person, & having the nearest available date pushed weeks ahead....

This is why SOMETIMES my hosts are a week+ in advance due to no available date.
Why? I don't see anything wrong with more than one game being hosted on a night. Its only a few people that seem to have an issue with more than one game being hosted of an evening
Not in that sense Bri - I mean 3-4-5-6-xxxxx hosts booked over multiple days by the same person!

The Welsh contingent. Aron, or Ar to mates. Also known as 88E or ThatManCalledAr.
Last edited: 20/01/2018 at 13:54 by Ar88
Reason: Wording

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Constant Advertisement Never Delivering 20/01/2018 at 14:22 #105267
914 posts
bri2808 in post 105265 said:
Ar88 in post 105264 said:
Also an additional - I can imagine that a new member would be put-off hosting if they can see multiple hosts pre-planned by the same person, & having the nearest available date pushed weeks ahead....

This is why SOMETIMES my hosts are a week+ in advance due to no available date.
Why? I don't see anything wrong with more than one game being hosted on a night. Its only a few people that seem to have an issue with more than one game being hosted of an evening
To add to this, the way things have been of late, the second advertised game would still be the only game running. What I think seeing multiple games up, is that if I was to host, that I'd probably consider a smaller sim, assuming that the attention would be divided.

JamesN in post 105249 said:

Changed start times are recorded and displayed in the game details - perhaps originals somehow struck out or greyed out italics, with new times below?
And at least this would give someone thinking of joining, a chance to think, well is this going to go ahead or not.

Peter Bennet in post 105260 said:
JamesN in post 105249 said:

Option to display the recent "form" of a host - perhaps the last 3 to 5 games that user has hosted as a collapsible display. Allows players to judge whether the user has been hosting and cancelling a lot, or generally hosting what they say they will when they will.

Might be a bit OTT, might have DPA implications.
I'd be interested to know how this may have data protection issues? All that would be needed potentially would be their user name and a number, relating to how many times they have canceled a host, postponed, or, even on that rare occasion, hosted.

One final point for now, something I think we need to consider in this discussion is not discouraging people from actually hosting. Yes, I know, I don't host as much as I used to at one time, but again, this is down to available time (or even being about at the right kind of time). For the same reason, this is also why I dont tend to join (with some exceptions), public sessions.

Hope my points here aren't sounding too ranty. They aren't meant to.


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The following user said thank you: Ar88
Constant Advertisement Never Delivering 22/01/2018 at 20:30 #105352
1021 posts
Host went AWOL this evening for the best part of 20 minutes. I know there's nothing else that can be done other than not join future hosts by a user. But if you can't manage 3 sims running at once, don't host such a big sim. #Frustrated.
How to report an issue: www.SimSig.co.uk/Wiki/Show?page=usertrack:reportanissue
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The following users said thank you: HST125Scorton, KymriskaDraken, Trainfan344
Constant Advertisement Never Delivering 22/01/2018 at 22:13 #105359
6361 posts
Lots to think about. There is already a 1-month date limit on new games. Another group I know advertises games private to them a few months in advance because they all do shift work so it's helpful to plan that far ahead. Potentially I could allow further in advance but only show games in the next couple of weeks - and if one host advertises multiple games then only show the first 1-2 in the sidebar (but show them all in the Games page).

The website could try to connect to games though that sounds a bit Big Brotherish.

Delayed starts happen. I recall one where the person was on a train that got delayed somewhere with no internet connectivity. Out of his control anyway, and he had the best intentions of hosting at the advertised time.

Perhaps instead of the negative approach we could look at rewarding good hosts with a gold star beside their name, or something like that. Question then is how to determine gold status.

SimSig Boss
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Constant Advertisement Never Delivering 22/01/2018 at 22:36 #105360
2776 posts
pedroathome in post 105267 said:

Peter Bennet in post 105260 said:
JamesN in post 105249 said:

Option to display the recent "form" of a host - perhaps the last 3 to 5 games that user has hosted as a collapsible display. Allows players to judge whether the user has been hosting and cancelling a lot, or generally hosting what they say they will when they will.

Might be a bit OTT, might have DPA implications.

I'd be interested to know how this may have data protection issues? All that would be needed potentially would be their user name and a number, relating to how many times they have canceled a host, postponed, or, even on that rare occasion, hosted.
It's data about an identifiable person - there's a reasonable chance that at least some people here know who the user name maps to - so it's personal data under the Act. There may be applicable exemptions, but it's clearly covered by DPA.

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Constant Advertisement Never Delivering 22/01/2018 at 22:55 #105361
1599 posts
GeoffM in post 105359 said:
The website could try to connect to games though that sounds a bit Big Brotherish.
It was more from a convenience standpoint - thus negating the requirement for the user to input started/paused/ended/whatever; or to allow potential players a glimpse at how busy a sim is before joining - than any nefarious means... However I can see the Orwellian concerns.

I don’t think there is a problem; but suggestions for solutions were requested.

I’m also not sure about the application of DPA in these scenarios - given users “personal data” is stored and displayed prior to a game commencing; I don’t see how, in the eyes of the act, that’s any different to displaying a record of recent games a user has hosted? Afterall users can search the forum for any and all posts by a given user can they not?

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Constant Advertisement Never Delivering 22/01/2018 at 23:19 #105364
Peter Bennet
5395 posts
JamesN in post 105361 said:
GeoffM in post 105359 said:
The website could try to connect to games though that sounds a bit Big Brotherish.
It was more from a convenience standpoint - thus negating the requirement for the user to input started/paused/ended/whatever; or to allow potential players a glimpse at how busy a sim is before joining - than any nefarious means... However I can see the Orwellian concerns.

I don’t think there is a problem; but suggestions for solutions were requested.

I’m also not sure about the application of DPA in these scenarios - given users “personal data” is stored and displayed prior to a game commencing; I don’t see how, in the eyes of the act, that’s any different to displaying a record of recent games a user has hosted? Afterall users can search the forum for any and all posts by a given user can they not?
At the risk of going off at a tangent, postings are probably not data for the purposes of the act.

Data is information processed automatically, so if SimSig processes the hosting data with the intention of publishing the results it might be covered by the DPA. The main implication being the requirement to register with the ICO.

Though as SimSig is based in the US it's probably not subject to the Act.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
Last edited: 22/01/2018 at 23:22 by Peter Bennet
Reason: None given

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Constant Advertisement Never Delivering 23/01/2018 at 01:38 #105367
Temple Meads
307 posts
'Gold stars' or a rating system would help new users or infrequent players - but if you regularly take part in MP you soon get to know who you like as a host, and who you don't like so much..!

Not sure that anything that takes up more of the moderators' time would be a good idea to be honest - maybe the regular hosts could club together with the aim of maximising the quality of hosted sessions.

I don't take part in MP very often these days as it's rare that my free time coincides with a session on a sim I've got, with a host I like. If I want to host myself there's often a mega-chain of some sort going on, which often struggle for players without another sim being hosted.

Username TIM in multiplayer
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The following user said thank you: Ar88
Constant Advertisement Never Delivering 23/01/2018 at 10:40 #105372
norman B
111 posts
Would a session for new players be considered as ,as someone who has never taken part is a hosted session,the thought of spoiling it for regulars is something I would like to avoid at all costs.

Bad experiences in on line Flight Sim sessions are commonplace and put newcomers off for ever!A training/Newcomers only session with a suitable host could help ease new people into these sessions.

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Constant Advertisement Never Delivering 23/01/2018 at 11:43 #105373
Stephen Fulcher
2066 posts
Generally this isn't a problem in SimSig, you can always request a quieter panel until you get into the swing of things.
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The following user said thank you: norman B
Constant Advertisement Never Delivering 23/01/2018 at 11:56 #105374
310 posts
norman B in post 105372 said:
Would a session for new players be considered as ,as someone who has never taken part is a hosted session,the thought of spoiling it for regulars is something I would like to avoid at all costs.

Bad experiences in on line Flight Sim sessions are commonplace and put newcomers off for ever!A training/Newcomers only session with a suitable host could help ease new people into these sessions.
New players are always welcome in my hosts - we all started somewhere, & we all make mistakes! Nothing to be worried about, just take it as learning.

The Welsh contingent. Aron, or Ar to mates. Also known as 88E or ThatManCalledAr.
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The following users said thank you: whatlep, norman B, Hap
Constant Advertisement Never Delivering 23/01/2018 at 14:22 #105375
1182 posts
Same goes here too. I always welcome new arrivals but I do offer some time to help them learn the area/panel they are on while managing a host or chain of 2 sims at time on dual screens.
Aaron (AJRO) | Timetable Writer
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The following users said thank you: norman B, whatlep, broodje
Constant Advertisement Never Delivering 23/01/2018 at 17:53 #105394
6361 posts
Peter Bennet in post 105364 said:
Though as SimSig is based in the US it's probably not subject to the Act.
Well... it's a grey area not clearly defined in law - UK or US. On a tangent slightly I was researching email anti-spam laws for the most common countries and found one scenario where the email sender would be responsible for something beyond their control: sender in country A sends an email to recipient in country B - but the recipient actually collects the email in country C (he's on holiday and fetching email on his phone). Sender has to obey the laws of country C, even though sender has no idea that the email will be collected there. And the anti-spam laws are not consistent or necessarily compatible for these countries. (And this is partly why there have been no newsletters for a while)

SimSig Boss
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Constant Advertisement Never Delivering 23/01/2018 at 23:32 #105406
1021 posts
seconded, thirdedededed regarding new players joining any of my hosts.

And I am sure also, that a few of us could run a chain together with ARS on as a "newcomers" session as such...That way it can be toggled off etc the more confident you become. Maybe a plan for a next host in the coming months Aaron/Aron?

How to report an issue: www.SimSig.co.uk/Wiki/Show?page=usertrack:reportanissue
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The following users said thank you: Ar88, norman B