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Special activities 02/09/2018 at 20:13 #111798
2775 posts
[This is the third of three proposals I have for improving SimSig timetabling. I'm throwing them out here for people to think about and, hopefully, come up with further suggestions or point out issues with the idea. I don't have time to work on them at the moment and I don't know when I will, so please don't ask when they'll be available.

Please don't hijack this thread for other ideas.]

This feature would provide new activities for trains at locations that aren't of the existing form.

The activities I have in mind are:
* output a message on the F5 report;
* revert a decision (this won't undo any effects of that decision, but it would allow a new choice to be made for that decision from now on) and, optionally, force a new specific choice on it;
* wait until a specific time or for a specific period.
Of course, there would be a decision/choice pair.

The "wait" activities would take two times or periods. When the activity is first reached, an actual time is picked at random between them and this replaces the original values. The activity then remains pending until that time is reached; the train will do nothing else until then. (If you want the train to progress, it will be necessary to edit the timetable to remove the activity.)

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Special activities 05/09/2018 at 15:19 #111877
1383 posts
The 'F5' message would be useful, as it would allow 'Train 1L45 has failed. The 1Z99 now entering from depot is to assist'
That would allow failures to be simulated better.

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