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Panel A Telephone Calls

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Panel A Telephone Calls 16/04/2019 at 17:34 #117638
895 posts
This was going to start just being about Signal CE525, however on a little further investigation, I've found that the issue is wider spread

A train which stops at any of the UP signals on the Main line on Panel A does not phone in to report that it is waiting at a red signal.

At first I had thought that it was just CE525 that was at fault, I had a signal failure of CE509, so was waiting for the train at CE525 to phone in to give him permission to pass signal at danger and it never came. I then loaded a fresh blank version up, entered a train from Dumfries and found the same thing, no phoncecall from CE525. Dropping this train forwards I then found that another signal also didn't give phonecalls.

I've then tested all the main signals on Panel A up to and including Carlisle station and have a list of the signals that you don't receive phonecalls from. This is in the 2000s era sim
I note that posts 111047 and 111833 in the Carlisle Issues thread touches on a few of these signals in the 1980s era. I have briefly tested a couple signals in 1980s and 2016 eras and have found that it seems to be the same, no phonecalls from Panel A

The list of signals in the 2000s is:
CE335 Down Main on Panel B at the Panel Boundary
CE336 Up Main on Panel B at the Panel Boundary
CE438 Up Main Caldew Jn
CE462 Up Main Kingmoor Loop
CE463 Up Pass Loop Kingmoor Loop
CE483 Up Main
CE489 Up Main
CE493 Up Main
CE495 Up Main
CE497 Up Main
CE501 Up Main Floriston LC
CE504 Up Main
CE509 Up Main Mossband Jn
CE524 Up Main Gretna Jn
CE525 Up Dumfries Gretna Jn
CE533 Up Main Quintinshill Loops
CE534 UPL Quintinshill Loops
CE542 Up Main
CE544 Up Main
CE546 Up Main

Loader Version 4.11
Sim Version 4.1

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Panel A Telephone Calls 16/04/2019 at 18:33 #117639
6361 posts
The developer can nominate track circuits on which red signal reporting starts or finishes. Generally it's turned off on the first fringe track (because the train is off-sim and wouldn't be calling this signal box) and then turned on on the first track controlled by this box. By the sound of it, the developer forgot to turn it back on again. Just explaining this in case it helps with simplifying the reporting to "from X to Y" rather than listing signals individually - if, indeed, that is the pattern.
SimSig Boss
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Panel A Telephone Calls 16/04/2019 at 20:30 #117642
norman B
111 posts
This has been reported before ,just after the Sim became a Loader version.
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Panel A Telephone Calls 16/04/2019 at 21:47 #117648
895 posts
Thanks for the insight there Geoff. To me there did seem to be a pattern in that it was every signal on the Up lines to Carlisle station apart from those that are designated Good lines (originating from Longtown Sidings and Carlisle Yard)

Norman, I acknowledged that there has been reports of this before, however having looked at posts that raised issues since the release of V4.1, I could only find information relating to 2 or 3 signals that trains wouldn't call in at rather than an entire panel of signals in 1 direction

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Panel A Telephone Calls 17/04/2019 at 10:49 #117656
norman B
111 posts
Yes ,you are correct and that Geoff has hit the nail on the head!
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