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SimSig TIPLOC Entry Point codes for Exeter 25/08/2022 at 13:16 #147705 | |
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Hi there, would anyone be able to provide me with the TIPLOC codes that SimSig uses internally for the Exeter simulation's entry points. I am aware that these are SimSig specific and not used in real life. Thanks in advance!
83A Log in to reply |
SimSig TIPLOC Entry Point codes for Exeter 25/08/2022 at 13:35 #147706 | |
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It's reasonably easy to identify these yourself: - Create a new timetable, and add a schedule that enters at the specified location. - Save the timetable to a file - Open the file with an archiver like WinRAR. It should be recognised as a ZIP. - Open SavedTimetable.xml - (If necessary) search for the schedule's headcode to find the relevant part of the file - Look at <EntryPoint>ECYD</EntryPoint>. ECYD should be the TIPLOC. In this case, Carlisle New Yard. Log in to reply |
SimSig TIPLOC Entry Point codes for Exeter 25/08/2022 at 13:47 #147707 | |
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For Exeter, this results in: EALPH Alphington Sdg ECOGLOD Bridgwater EBUCK Buckfastleigh Branch ECASTLE Castle Cary EBASIN City Basin EDVR Dart Valley Railway EEXETCCE Exeter central sidings EEXMJ Exmouth Jn Depot E628 Fairwater Yard E620 Fairwater Yard Headshunt EGOODCS Goodrington CS ENAENG Hackney Engineers EHACK Hackney Yard EHEATH Heathfield Branch EHON Honiton EIVY Ivybridge EMELDON Meldon Quarry EPAIGDVL Paignton Queens Park (DVR) E241 Riverside Yd Departure line E141 Riverside Yd Reception line E256 Riverside Yd West end ETAUNCON Taunton concrete ETIVIDS Tiverton Jn Dn Sdg EWSR West Somerset Railway E558 West Yard Sdg 7-12 E560 West Yard Sdgs 1-6 Log in to reply The following user said thank you: Future |
SimSig TIPLOC Entry Point codes for Exeter 25/08/2022 at 14:11 #147708 | |
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Thanks so much! Does Exeter Riverisde Yard (as just a location rather than entry point) just use the TIPLOC code EXTRRY? Cheers
83A Log in to reply |
SimSig TIPLOC Entry Point codes for Exeter 26/08/2022 at 00:09 #147711 | |
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Future in post 147708 said:Thanks so much! Does Exeter Riverisde Yard (as just a location rather than entry point) just use the TIPLOC code EXTRRY? CheersI believe it's EXETRRY. SimSig Boss Log in to reply The following user said thank you: Future |
SimSig TIPLOC Entry Point codes for Exeter 26/08/2022 at 17:54 #147714 | |
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Apologies for another question -- Exeter West Yard seems to be referred to as such, it's now Exeter Tmd. Does the sim just use 'EXETTMD' to refer to West Yard or something unique? Thanks once again
83A Log in to reply |
SimSig TIPLOC Entry Point codes for Exeter 26/08/2022 at 20:28 #147718 | |
Peter Bennet
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These are all the location IDs Used. It'd take a bit of time to add names to each ID. When the sim was first built the author just invented IDs whereas these days we tend to only do that where an official TIPLOC does not exist. Note also that the original author misnumbered nearly all the PL signals and the location IDs reflect that wrong numbering. Quite a few locations in the Sim also now recognise the real TIPLOC using AKA coding. LOC 0000 AISHXO LOC 0001 ATHLNEY LOC 0002 BRDGWTR LOC 0003 BRNSTPL LOC 0004 BSPSLYD LOC 0005 C LOC 0006 CB LOC 0007 CBRK LOC 0008 CCARY LOC 0009 CHAPLTN LOC 000A COGLOAD LOC 000B COPLSTN LOC 000C CREDITN LOC 000D CREDSDG LOC 000E CREDSPR LOC 000F CWLYBDG LOC 0010 D LOC 0011 DAINTNT LOC 0012 DAWLISH LOC 0013 DAWLSHW LOC 0014 DIGBY LOC 0015 DVR LOC 0016 E LOC 0017 EGGESFD LOC 0018 EXET335 LOC 0019 EXET677 LOC 001A EXET679 LOC 001B EXET680 LOC 001C EXET681 LOC 001D EXET730 LOC 001E EXETCAR LOC 001F EXETCCE LOC 0020 EXETE35 LOC 0021 EXETERC LOC 0022 EXETMBS LOC 0023 EXETRCB LOC 0024 EXETRFP LOC 0025 EXETRNY LOC 0026 EXETRRY LOC 0027 EXETRSD LOC 0028 EXETRST LOC 0029 EXETTMD LOC 002A EXMOJCW LOC 002B EXMOTHJ LOC 002C EXMOUTH LOC 002D EXTON LOC 002E FENITON LOC 002F FRWAYD LOC 0030 G LOC 0031 GOODCHS LOC 0032 H LOC 0033 HELE LOC 0034 HONITON LOC 0035 HTHFLD LOC 0036 IVYBDGE LOC 0037 KNYMPTN LOC 0038 L LOC 0039 LAPFORD LOC 003A LYMPSTC LOC 003B LYMPSTN LOC 003C M LOC 003D MLDONQ LOC 003E MOCHARD LOC 003F N LOC 0040 NABT LOC 0041 NABTHAC LOC 0042 NSTCYRE LOC 0043 NTNFTZN LOC 0044 NWCOURT LOC 0045 OKHMPTN LOC 0046 P1 LOC 0047 P2 LOC 0048 P3 LOC 0049 PAIG3 LOC 004A PAIGDVL LOC 004B PAIGN2 LOC 004C PAIGNTN LOC 004D PINEJ1 LOC 004E PINHOE LOC 004F POLSBDG LOC 0050 PRTSMTA LOC 0051 REJ25 LOC 0052 REJ28 LOC 0053 REV687 LOC 0054 REV79 LOC 0055 RIVRSDT LOC 0056 RV345 LOC 0057 RV600 LOC 0058 RV601 LOC 0059 RV603 LOC 005A RV623 LOC 005B RV630 LOC 005C RV631 LOC 005D RV642 LOC 005E RV643 LOC 005F RV647 LOC 0060 RV660 LOC 0061 RV661 LOC 0062 RV663 LOC 0063 RV669 LOC 0064 RV671 LOC 0065 RV673 LOC 0066 RV764 LOC 0067 RVEXEN LOC 0068 RVEXES LOC 0069 RVEXMJ LOC 006A RVEXMJW LOC 006B RVNABTE LOC 006C RVNABTW LOC 006D RVSILK LOC 006E RVTIVN LOC 006F RVTIVS LOC 0070 RVTNDM LOC 0071 RVTNUR LOC 0072 SOMEGF LOC 0073 STJAMSP LOC 0074 STRCROS LOC 0075 T LOC 0076 TAUN604 LOC 0077 TAUNCON LOC 0078 TAUNDK LOC 0079 TAUNGDS LOC 007A TAUNTON LOC 007B TEINMTH LOC 007C TG LOC 007D TIVIDS LOC 007E TIVILP LOC 007F TIVIPW LOC 0080 TOPSHAM LOC 0081 TORQUAY LOC 0082 TORRE LOC 0083 TOTE LOC 0084 TOTE96 LOC 0085 TOTLOCO LOC 0086 TOTNES LOC 0087 TOTURS LOC 0088 TOTW LOC 0089 U LOC 008A UMBRLGH LOC 008B V LOC 008C W LOC 008D WELISOM LOC 008E WHIMPLE LOC 008F WHTBLLT LOC 0090 XJ LOC 0091 XT LOC 0092 YEOFORD I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs! Log in to reply |
SimSig TIPLOC Entry Point codes for Exeter 26/08/2022 at 20:33 #147721 | |
Peter Bennet
![]() 5435 posts |
And this is a complete list of entry point IDs. ENT 0000 E141 ENT 0001 E241 ENT 0002 E256 ENT 0003 E558 ENT 0004 E560 ENT 0005 E620 ENT 0006 E628 ENT 0007 EALPH ENT 0008 EBASIN ENT 0009 EBUCK ENT 000A ECASTLE ENT 000B ECOGLOD ENT 000C EDVR ENT 000D EEXETCCE ENT 000E EEXMJ ENT 000F EGOODCS ENT 0010 EHACK ENT 0011 EHEATH ENT 0012 EHON ENT 0013 EIVY ENT 0014 EMELDON ENT 0015 ENAENG ENT 0016 EPAIGDVL ENT 0017 ETAUNCON ENT 0018 ETIVIDS ENT 0019 EWSR I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs! Log in to reply The following user said thank you: Future |
SimSig TIPLOC Entry Point codes for Exeter 26/08/2022 at 20:37 #147722 | |
![]() 14 posts |
Cheers, this will definitely help with my timetable! I can't seem to find the entry ID for Exeter New Yard on there?
83A Last edited: 26/08/2022 at 20:41 by Future Reason: None given Log in to reply |
SimSig TIPLOC Entry Point codes for Exeter 26/08/2022 at 20:51 #147725 | |
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Future in post 147722 said:Cheers, this will definitely help with my timetable! I can't seem to find the entry ID for Exeter New Yard on there?New Yard isn't an entry point in the sim; any train which starts its day there will need to be seeded. "Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q) Log in to reply |
SimSig TIPLOC Entry Point codes for Exeter 26/08/2022 at 21:05 #147727 | |
Peter Bennet
![]() 5435 posts |
Peter Bennet in post 147718 said:These are all the location IDs Used. It'd take a bit of time to add names to each ID.Correction, it looks like I relabeled the IDs to reflect the correct signal numbers then AKA='d the old IDs to be backwards compatible with timetables. Does not apply to entry points. Peter I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs! Log in to reply |
SimSig TIPLOC Entry Point codes for Exeter 26/08/2022 at 21:48 #147728 | |
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Ok mega, thanks for the clarification
83A Log in to reply |
SimSig TIPLOC Entry Point codes for Exeter 28/08/2022 at 16:52 #147752 | |
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Full details are available on the wiki
"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer Log in to reply |