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Timetable 1974

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Timetable 1974 15/03/2025 at 19:19 #160540
1469 posts
Just released is a Friday 1974 timetable.
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There is a pdf with some hints on how the headcoding has been set up and avoiding Mexicans

This timetable is for a summer Friday at Euston from an 0400 start, running to 0200 Saturday.
This is the first year of the new 'all electric to Glasgow' timetable and all the FO extras and reliefs (pathed in WTT but 'Suspended'are running, so this likely represents one of the Fridays in August with several extra services for Holyhead and Heysham.
It gets very busy both in the expected peak hours but also around 0700 and 2100 as the sleeper stock occupies several platforms for a long time.

The timetable was written from the relevant WTT, which gave all the platforming and ECS working details along with a lot of the parcel shunts. Passenger stock is correctly allocated to the next workings as given in the WTT, although formations are fairly generic.
Those specifically noted as 'Class 81-85' are retained, and 87's are allocated to the daytime Glasgow services.
EMU train lengths have been assumed based on photos and stabling limitations.

There is limited freight activity in the area, but the DC lines have both Euston and Broad Street services.

Somewhat odd is the disposition of the 310 EMU ECS between peaks, there must have been something making Camden CS unavailable as they go all over the place, including Camden Goods - so have fun with the ground frames !


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The following users said thank you: flabberdacks, lazzer
Timetable 1974 15/03/2025 at 20:40 #160545
642 posts
Just a quick question - should this timetable be run in 1960s or 1980s mode?
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Timetable 1974 15/03/2025 at 20:45 #160546
1469 posts
1980's - as preset by the timetable when you start it.
It needs 'DD' as a passenger line not DECL, and uses some of the 1980's locations


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The following user said thank you: lazzer
Timetable 1974 Yesterday at 20:45 #160577
642 posts
One question I do have about this timetable is why did you decide upon a system of using 0Z00 for all incoming engines? What is the reason for not using their next working headcode? Or is this what they were doing in 1974?
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