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Reports 15/07/2010 at 18:26 #1460
452 posts
(this issue occurs in Trent)

I attempted a timetable analysis. On the first time of asking, I got back a line out of bounds (-1) error and was unable to view the analysis, although in the F4 train list trains appeared in red and blue as they usually would following an analysis.

On subsequent attempts I have had an I/O error 32.

In addition, neither the timetable analysis or an arrivals/departures text file is anywhere to be found in the usual places, having asked for either of these reports.

While I have been running Trent I have not been running any other sim nor been using any of the associated files in any other program.

Over to you guys!

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Reports 15/07/2010 at 18:26 #10088
452 posts
(this issue occurs in Trent)

I attempted a timetable analysis. On the first time of asking, I got back a line out of bounds (-1) error and was unable to view the analysis, although in the F4 train list trains appeared in red and blue as they usually would following an analysis.

On subsequent attempts I have had an I/O error 32.

In addition, neither the timetable analysis or an arrivals/departures text file is anywhere to be found in the usual places, having asked for either of these reports.

While I have been running Trent I have not been running any other sim nor been using any of the associated files in any other program.

Over to you guys!

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Reports 15/07/2010 at 18:50 #10090
1107 posts
Pete have a look in the Simsig/Trent folder should be a TT_Analysis.txt
Passed the age to be doing 'Spoon Feeding' !!!
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Reports 15/07/2010 at 19:12 #10091
452 posts
There is not a TT_analysis.txt file anywhere on my system.
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Reports 15/07/2010 at 19:41 #10092
1107 posts
Strange - last time i did an analysis for the Sheff 83/4, it marked the TT in F4 with the reds n blues and left a text file in the timetable folder.

Just done a successful analysis with Trent v3.8121 with the Autumn 2007 TT and got the text file as well. It has saved in the main SimSig folder - I must have moved the Sheffield one to the Sheffield folder to prevent overwriting.

Passed the age to be doing 'Spoon Feeding' !!!
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Reports 15/07/2010 at 21:15 #10094
989 posts
Try converting the tt to a text file using import/export then open that instead, a list of errors/warnings will be at the top.
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Reports 16/07/2010 at 08:03 #10097
6325 posts
Permission denied, possibly you do not have write access to the folder or file you are trying to write to. You could try moving the exe and subdirectory with timetable into somewhere like My Documents and try it from there.
SimSig Boss
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Reports 16/07/2010 at 11:40 #10098
452 posts
I still get a 'List index out of bounds (-1)' and then I/O error 32 after altering the permissions of SimsigTrent.

I get the feeling it is a file problem - despite migrating everything to a new folder, the .SSG files I've been using are being saved somewhere else (not SimsigTrent) as they are not there. As above, if I open SimsigTrent in explorer, the .SSG files or TT_analysis.txt or arrdep.txt files can't be seen. However, if I open the folder in say, TT import/export or Load Game, all the files are visible, including TT report text files. However, trying to open them from there results in a 'cannot find file' error. I have full control over all the files and they are not read-only or hidden.

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Reports 16/07/2010 at 12:56 #10099
6325 posts
It still sounds like you have a permissions problem. Have you tried my suggestion?
SimSig Boss
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Reports 16/07/2010 at 13:18 #10100
452 posts
Verified the permissions on the Simsig/Trent folder and duplicated the whole folder to My Documents.

Despite moving the folder, I wasn't able to access the files because they are being saved somewhere other than the Trent folder.

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Reports 16/07/2010 at 13:26 #10101
452 posts
Most of my SSG & WTT files for Trent are not in C:Program Files (x86)SimSigTrent but in AppDataLocalVirtualStoreProgram Files (x86)SimSigTrent. I have copied this whole folder plus trent.exe to My Documents, and ran trent.exe from there but I still get the same errors.

Just a thought - the 32 error comes only after the line error. Could the 32 error be because the first request is still being processed? Also, why are files not being saved to the Program Files folder but to the AppData folder?

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Reports 16/07/2010 at 15:05 #10102
480 posts
I'm guessing you are using Vista or Windows 7. Since Vista MS has restricted applications access to writing files within Program Files folders. The issue was discussed (more clearly than my limited knowledge can muster) in this thread... Clickity click
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Reports 16/07/2010 at 17:20 #10103
452 posts
Vista. I can understand now why Program Files is not used for storing WTT/SSG if there is a write permissions issue.
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