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Introductions thread - please say hello!

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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 13/08/2018 at 13:15 #110983
1 posts
Hello everyone I really love trains. How they are engineered to move on tracks with loads of passengers and tons of freight. Specially the signalling systems attracts me which helps these tons of trains moving without an accident
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 13/08/2018 at 13:34 #110986
1 posts
hello how are you all i am from australia
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 13/08/2018 at 17:32 #111002
310 posts
jessefrith2018 in post 110986 said:
hello how are you all i am from australia

There's a good number of Aussies on the forum - I'm sure that one will make themselves known at some stage.

The Welsh contingent. Aron, or Ar to mates. Also known as 88E or ThatManCalledAr.
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The following user said thank you: BarryM
Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 14/08/2018 at 10:05 #111028
1 posts
Hello I am pleased to return to Simsig
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Hello 14/08/2018 at 17:09 #111040
1 posts
Afternoon, newbie here. Not long started working on railway and wanted to give this a go.
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 15/08/2018 at 15:03 #111061
Matt Coleman
1 posts
Hi from Australia. Have has a long-standing connection with NSW railways and look forward to taking part in this community.
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 16/08/2018 at 06:53 #111103
1 posts
Ahoy there. I'm Pineapple. Real life Train Guard. Thought I might see what this signalling is all about.
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 16/08/2018 at 12:48 #111111
1 posts
Hello from Brazil! I'm a fellow train interested person haha
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NOOB-ALERT 16/08/2018 at 14:13 #111119
8 posts
Hi there, I'm new, or a noob if you will, from Manchester in North-West England. I have come from a game which uses similar signalling procedures, so I am trying out this one to see what it is like!
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 16/08/2018 at 14:23 #111122
2 posts
Thanks both for replying quickly. I tweeted @cajonrail on 3rd July.
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Hi, 16/08/2018 at 15:12 #111128
1 posts
Hi i'm JCE24 and i am mostly interested in modern, English trains.
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 16/08/2018 at 15:50 #111129
1 posts
Hola, ( just typing more than hello, hmmmm what can I type )
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Hello, I am new here. 16/08/2018 at 16:11 #111131
Mr Teakettle (a.k.a AwesomeFarmer71)
1 posts
Hello, I'm new here but I hope that I enjoy being here
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RE: Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 17/08/2018 at 15:36 #111169
1 posts
Hi, Love the simulations
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 17/08/2018 at 21:19 #111185
1 posts
Hi. Excited to be here. Thank You
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 18/08/2018 at 06:28 #111194
1 posts
Hi, excited to try out the game.
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 18/08/2018 at 12:58 #111206
5 posts
Hi all,

Great simulator. Nice to see what those lazy bobbies get up to rather than drinking tea and watching soaps till they get the "SG"


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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 19/08/2018 at 08:43 #111252
1 posts
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 19/08/2018 at 12:18 #111259
1 posts
Hi All - I'm no spammer, I'm a free man!!!

Was a Sim Sigger over 10 years ago, now having another look.


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Introduction of myself 19/08/2018 at 20:55 #111282
1 posts
Hello, I'm Ricardo from Brazil and I happy that i found this game
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 20/08/2018 at 12:48 #111294
1 posts
g'day from down under
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 20/08/2018 at 12:54 #111295
1 posts
Hi all, New to SimSig, according to some of my friends I have missed out on something if I don't try this out. So - here it goes! :-)

Greetings from Norway!

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HI 20/08/2018 at 15:03 #111302
1 posts
My name is as my username. I've been using Simsig products for many years and still use Westbury, NLL and Euston. Haven't logged in for years, my email account has changed and so had to create a new profile.



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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 20/08/2018 at 23:14 #111321
1 posts
Hi there from Down Under
I am retired and live in Southern Australia. I have been using TSW which is very good, and with an older computer I had a Rail Marshalling program (which was quite simple to use). Even tho I'm a FlightSim fan, I thought it's about time to change direction a little, so here I am

Regards to all

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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 21/08/2018 at 12:32 #111329
1 posts
Hello, Im a new user.
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