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Introductions thread - please say hello!

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i enjoy sim sig a lot and i love it a lot its fun to do i would love my restrictions to be taken of if possible thank you for looking at my comment 21/08/2018 at 21:03 #111345
6 posts
i use sim sig almost everyday and i want to do a lot more like join others
Please do not keep pushing the buttons when the doors are closed it will not open No matter how hard you try.
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 22/08/2018 at 19:58 #111391
pete boor
6 posts
Thank you for accepting me as a new user, I am a retired BR and GW driver originally Stratford and then Penzance, I've been retired for 17 years although worked in Tax Office and a secondary school as a teaching assistant in the maths department.
My Grandad was an engine driver at Devons Road.

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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 22/08/2018 at 22:05 #111401
1 posts
Hi there, my name is Markus and I'm a train driver with DB Cargo in Germany. I recently became interested in UK railways and your simulation seems pretty interesting to me. Thanks for letting me join

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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 23/08/2018 at 19:59 #111422
1 posts
I'm Harry and am really interested in learning about the simulation and playing around with it

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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 24/08/2018 at 03:11 #111437
David Layfield
1 posts
Hello, I'm new to SimSig, looking forward to trying it out.
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 25/08/2018 at 09:43 #111475
1 posts
Good morning, not a robot as far as I know.
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 25/08/2018 at 22:30 #111494
1 posts
Hello, I'm new to SimSig and looking forward to use the simulator.
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 26/08/2018 at 07:28 #111503
1 posts
Hi all, new user not a robot
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 26/08/2018 at 10:33 #111507
Barton Lane
1 posts
Morning All...Many thanks for accepting me to the Group !
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 26/08/2018 at 21:31 #111536
1 posts
Hello! Am a human from the UK.
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Indtruduction 26/08/2018 at 22:11 #111538
1 posts
Hello this is really great game. Also good its free.
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 27/08/2018 at 05:22 #111543
1 posts
Greetings all from Australia.
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 27/08/2018 at 21:01 #111581
1 posts
Hello, my name is Ian and I'm an... Oh, wait, wrong place.

I'm actually an ex signalling electronic systems designer, here to prove how little I know about how to use the things, rather than bolting them together, which I can do just fine, thanks...

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Hi Simsig. I'm Didier and I'm a retired SNCF engineer and trying to verify an idea for depot configuration. 28/08/2018 at 02:40 #111602
1 posts
I'm looking for a way to simulate a simple train movement within a depot configuration project. And I intend to check all movements possible within this new project. Thanks
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 28/08/2018 at 22:56 #111622
1 posts
Hello, this game is great.
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 28/08/2018 at 23:54 #111623
1 posts
Hello, my name is Rodney, and I came here after watching a youtube video about British signalling. i though that it would be nice to check this software out so here i am
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 30/08/2018 at 01:24 #111647
1 posts
Hello, Im new to SimSig. Hope to chat with you all soon.
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Hello There! 30/08/2018 at 20:02 #111654
1 posts
Greetings humans, just to let you know that I am not a robot!
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 01/09/2018 at 00:41 #111725
1 posts
ciao, sono nuovo piacere mio, Davide!
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 01/09/2018 at 13:04 #111744
1 posts
Was introduced to this website by a friend, hopefully it will be great - Joe
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Hi 01/09/2018 at 16:02 #111749
1 posts
Hello from Wigan, UK.

Looking forward to learning to signal.


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Some years agoIntroductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 01/09/2018 at 21:00 #111757
Gula Forian
1 posts
I try to learn it again.
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Veteran 01/09/2018 at 21:34 #111758
1 posts
I am no newbie to Simsig and recall with great joy running the Didcot sim for far too many hours, rushing to close my Desktop if I heard the missus on the way in. I had a bash at Waterloo for a while but found it too intensive, but still kept KX on my machine. Alas a new machine.... I found my original receipt for purchasing a Didcot licence in the paper "In-tray" recently from Sat 18 Jan 2003!

A few years back I could make a mess of the KX sim and give up after 2 hours 100% focused simming but now I can't last 5 mins before the phones start ringing.

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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 01/09/2018 at 22:09 #111759
1 posts
Hello. New user, looking to learn.
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 01/09/2018 at 22:43 #111760
1 posts
Hi! I played a game of LST today with a friend :-)
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