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Neighbours.... 19/02/2025 at 16:20 #160213
1291 posts
Greetings all,

At least some of you may recall that we had a thread on another part of the forum for contributing mock-ups of layouts not yet built.

As a result I came up with a few myself including, IIRC, a mock-up of the Guildford PSB area. I didn't put the track circuit breaks in, however, and I am now in the process of updating the Guildford mock-up accordingly. However a suggestion has crossed my mind. Where we have neighbouring sims might it be an idea to put, on the end of the track at a fringe, a TD-type berth so that if someone takes the neighbouring panel it is also reflected on the adjoining sim?

Just to give some idea I include, in the attachment, the Reigate fringe as I will be having it on my rebuilt Guildford mock-up.


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Neighbours.... 19/02/2025 at 17:48 #160214
15 posts
How do you make those?
Bring back IC125's!
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Neighbours.... 19/02/2025 at 17:50 #160215
1291 posts
Have sent you a DM.


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The following user said thank you: jamesrail
Neighbours.... Yesterday at 21:00 #160273
40 posts
Wouldn't say no to a Guildford sim if it ever came along
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Neighbours.... Yesterday at 23:06 #160274
1291 posts
Neither would I.

I am still working on the rebuild of my Guildford mock-up: if you give me a direct message by clicking my forum name I will send you the result by email. I spent an hour yesterday (Sunday) evening trying to fix a hitch when doing the junction to the right (on the panel view) of Guildford station but finally got it how I want and spent time this evening (Monday) working on the line through Clandon.


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