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Clearing point violations and Lambert north UGL

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Clearing point violations and Larbert north UGL Yesterday at 15:15 #160562
30 posts
I'm playing the central scotland sim, using the August 2006 timetable with Interlocking enabled.

I've got a slow train that I'm wanting to route out of the way of a passenger service by sending into the Larbert North UGL - but I can't work out how to avoid a clearing point violation when I do.

There's nothing ahead of the train, but as soon as it goes onto the goods line, and exits the main-line track section immediately before LN46 and the points I always get a violation. How is this avoided? The maps in the manual either aren't helpful - or, more likely, I'm not reading them right.

Thanks in advance.

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Last edited: Today at 02:26 by Ford
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Clearing point violations and Lambert north UGL Yesterday at 16:21 #160563
642 posts
My guess is (without reading the manual or looking at the sim) that you're getting it because the points at the end of the sidings are set reverse. You will probably need to set them to normal before signalling a train into the loop.
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Clearing point violations and Lambert north UGL Yesterday at 16:44 #160564
566 posts
I don't know this to be true of Larbert North (note the spelling) but certainly my experience of Western boxes leads me to suspect that 37 would probably require 32 (the right hand disc (LN30 is the left hand disc, the two together are identified by the sim as LN30)) with 31 points reverse. But that would be enforced by the mechanical interlocking and isn't really a question of clearing points. Surely LN31 points are not in the clearing point with a colour light distant.
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Clearing point violations and Lambert north UGL Today at 08:18 #160585
30 posts
thanks for the note about the spelling! I do seem to have 'Lambert' stuck in my head everytime I think about this, even when I'm looking right at the sim.

No, it's not the points ahead at the end of the loop - it doesn't make any difference how they're set - I still get a 'clearing point violation' as soon as the train clears the track section immediately before entering the goods line.

It _feels_ like the the sim notices the change in occupation of the track section there, looks at the how the points at the end of it are set and goes 'Oh - that's wrong!' - ie checking the state of the points when the train is both entering and leaving the section instead of just when entering.


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Clearing point violations and Lambert north UGL Today at 09:06 #160586
1778 posts
Looking at the diagram - and given that the train is being signalled into a goods loop (presumably the left hand arm on the bracket to enter the loop would be a short or miniature arm) I cannot see any possible reason for a clearing point violation. It was normal on goods lines for the clearing point to be the home signal; in this situation, for a goods train accepted from the rear section the clearing point is - correctly - along the length of the loop.

Unless - but this would seem rather strange to my way of thinking - the train has to be accepted with the points set for the main line and brought to a stand at the bracket before the points are reversed and the signal cleared to enter the loop. Might be worth checking that. But I can't think of anywhere in my experience where that would have been the case.

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Clearing point violations and Lambert north UGL Today at 09:55 #160588
1227 posts
Yes, the train must be brought to a stand at LN46 before the points can be reversed and the diverging signal cleared. Setting the route from PJ19 with the loop points reversed, or reversing the points with the incoming route set off, will result in a violation.
Jamie S (JAMS)
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Clearing point violations and Larbert north UGL Today at 11:08 #160589
30 posts
Yes, the train has been brought to a halt, the points are clear down the line and there's nothing following on which could cause a problem. Perhaps a series of screenshots might illustrate what's making me think this is weird:

First image, no point violation, train is halted at signal.
Second image, train now moving into the siding, with the track section behind it about to clear. Still no point violation
Third image, the moment the main line track section clears, we get a point violation with nothing else being changed.


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Last edited: Today at 12:41 by Ford
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Clearing point violations and Lambert north UGL Today at 13:27 #160593
4 posts
What happened before the first image? As 9pN1SEAp said, the points entering the siding need to be set normal until 4D05 comes to a halt at the home signal, then you can move on to the sequence you show.
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Clearing point violations and Lambert north UGL Today at 16:45 #160594
24 posts
I also had this problem when I did this simulation. When accepting the train from Plean Jn, the points are set normal. The train comes to a stop at LN46, overlap drops. Points set to reverse, signal cleared into the loop and then comes the three pictures Dave had, always with a clearing point violation, when T7361 clears.
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