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Website updates 04/07/2010 at 10:30 #1412
6406 posts
Joomla and Agora have both been updated to the latest stable versions. An Agora "recent posts" module has been added which you can see in the left hand column of the website.

As an aside, I've also reorganised bits of the Wiki, particularly the top level user pages, in the hope that it'll be easier to navigate.

SimSig Boss
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Website updates 04/07/2010 at 10:30 #9898
6406 posts
Joomla and Agora have both been updated to the latest stable versions. An Agora "recent posts" module has been added which you can see in the left hand column of the website.

As an aside, I've also reorganised bits of the Wiki, particularly the top level user pages, in the hope that it'll be easier to navigate.

SimSig Boss
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Website updates 04/07/2010 at 23:36 #9906
1803 posts
I assume the post/message entry box thing will see the same improvement as previously implemented in due course?
Any views and / or opinions expressed by myself are from me personally and do not represent those of any company I either work for or am a consultant for.
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Website updates 05/07/2010 at 07:49 #9910
6406 posts
Blast, I checked that because I was wary of losing that particular change. Perhaps I hadn't refreshed the browser completely. Thanks for the link.
SimSig Boss
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Website updates 06/07/2010 at 16:43 #9931
276 posts
GeoffM said:
An Agora "recent posts" module has been added which you can see in the left hand column of the website.

If you hover your pointer over the posts the first bit of the post is shown however it is partially hidden by the listings. Is that supposed to happen or should the post be shifted to the right so that it can be read?

Just noticed that it works fine on the 'forum' page but not on the 'home' page!

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Website updates 06/07/2010 at 18:27 #9933
13 posts
Looks like a z-order problem. Adding "z-index: 65558" (or anything higher) to the style of the "tool-tip" class fixes it here.

(http://www.SimSig.co.uk/components/com_agora/style/Neo/js_css/jpane.css line 83 or thereabouts.)

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Website updates 06/07/2010 at 19:56 #9937
6406 posts
Thanks David, that's saved me considerable time and effort! Thanks Tim too, text box now fixed (again).
SimSig Boss
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Website updates 06/07/2010 at 20:22 #9940
1803 posts
No problem - but could I please put in a request for the typing font sized to be increased a bit?

Thank You.

Any views and / or opinions expressed by myself are from me personally and do not represent those of any company I either work for or am a consultant for.
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Website updates 07/07/2010 at 12:28 #9946
6406 posts
Strangely the z-order problem has reappeared. I'll have a look at that along with the font size in the next day or two.
SimSig Boss
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Website updates 07/07/2010 at 20:32 #9954
13 posts
Still seems OK here, perhaps something was caching the old style?

Edit - ok, now I see a problem. It works on the forum, but not the main site, which doesn't have the com_agora/style/Neo/js_css/ stylesheets, including the jpane.css file to make the popup tool-tip yellow, etc.

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Website updates 08/07/2010 at 16:51 #9975
5329 posts

The web-site is polishing up very nicely.

Firstly, thanks for the additional Login Forms throughout the site.

The only technical problem I have found with the latest upload is that the Shout Box will not minimise on the Downloads/Uploads page using some browsers. Using IE8 on XP SP3, the Shout Box minimises on all pages. However, Firefox 3.6.6 on Windows XP SP3 or Ubuntu Linux, and Opera 10.60, Google Chrome 5.0.375.99 and Safari 5.0 on XP all show the same behaviour which is that the Shout Box will minimise on all pages except the Downloads/Uploads page.

On other matters and as a personal view, when I am using my steam age laptop (1024 x 768 screen) the Latest Posts banner across the top of the Forum takes up a significant proportion of the real estate and my personal preference was for the box in the left hand sidebar.

Thanks for all of the hard work.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Website updates 08/07/2010 at 16:57 #9976
Peter Bennet
5435 posts
Think I preferred the side list where I could ignore it as I prefer to press the 'topic view' button which has a similar effect.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Website updates 08/07/2010 at 19:11 #9980
6406 posts
postal said:
Firstly, thanks for the additional Login Forms throughout the site.
Found by accident! I'd still like it to actually state a login failure though. Oddly I can set a redirection page for success but not for failure.

postal said:
The only technical problem I have found with the latest upload is that the Shout Box will not minimise on the Downloads/Uploads page using some browsers. Using IE8 on XP SP3, the Shout Box minimises on all pages. However, Firefox 3.6.6 on Windows XP SP3 or Ubuntu Linux, and Opera 10.60, Google Chrome 5.0.375.99 and Safari 5.0 on XP all show the same behaviour which is that the Shout Box will minimise on all pages except the Downloads/Uploads page.
I thought that never got fixed? I don't understand why it didn't work properly anyway so I wouldn't have known how to fix it!

postal said:
On other matters and as a personal view, when I am using my steam age laptop (1024 x 768 screen) the Latest Posts banner across the top of the Forum takes up a significant proportion of the real estate and my personal preference was for the box in the left hand sidebar.
I've got a bit of a problem here - I do agree with you and Peter but the problem is it is an Agora module, which uses the Agora templates. The Agora templates are only loaded when the forum is displayed. When they're not displayed then there is the z-ordering problem where text gets hidden by the sidebar. I can fix it so that every page on the website loads all the templates - not good design, slower to load, and heavier on bandwidth potentially. Or perhaps better if it's shown in the sidebar only when the forum is displayed (pretty much like the login box was *only* shown on the home page). In fact that sounds the better solution so I'll do that now.

SimSig Boss
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Website updates 08/07/2010 at 20:29 #9982
6406 posts
GeoffM said:
I'd still like it to actually state a login failure though
Not pretty, but done.

Also increased the font size in the Agora forum reply box.

SimSig Boss
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