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LTS 1994 - 1995 Timetable

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LTS 1994 - 1995 Timetable 25/09/2018 at 20:58 #112324
2655 posts
Following some updates made to the LTS sim[thanks for that Geoff] I would say that my 1994-1995 timetable will be ready to upload for release. Both Section LC passenger & parcels WTT & Section LD freight WTT for the period have been used. I've also used my 1994 freight(RfD. Trainload Freight South East, West & North East) have also been used. All the platforming is as per the passenger WTT. This timetable certainly brings back memories for me as I was Duty Shift Manager in Stratford ROC at this time. Despite the fact that all of the passenger traffic is worked by EMUs aka carts. The timetable at present has got 2,630 in it, but that figure is likely to rise. ATM I'm running a Thursday timetable, it is 07.30 & we have approx. 35 trains on the panel. The reason for the high number of trains is because every working in the tt can be worked by either Cl.302, Cl.305, Cl.308, Cl.310 or Cl.312 units which are all the units used on the LTS at this time. The only exception is no Cl.312 units on the Upminster - Grays - Upminster services. I'm currently runnng at x2 speed, but with full ARS & no level crossings.
Now unless Geoff sorts out a fundamental problem prior to the tt's release the tt will be released with a fudge which can be fixed when the sim is next updated. The fudge is to have the AC electric locos with the 'diesel' power also ticked. There are a handful of trains biiked to the Ford plant at Dagenham whereby the incoming loco comes off & one of the Ford plant Cl.04 diesel shunters trips the traffic in. unfortunately the OLE stops at the signals 823, 825 & 827. The OLE should extend approx 40m past 830(rev) so a pair of AC locos can reverse, so the 'get out of jail card' is to have those locos as AC electro diesels.
There are 2 sets of 'Q' cars that run between Ilford T&RSMD - Ilford EMUD, now apart from the usual suspects you could also see 3 car Cl.302/9 EPU, 4 car Cl.309 Clacton unit, GE 3 car Cl.313 or 4 car GE Cl.315.
If users could use this thread to highlight any issues they find once the tt is released I'd appreciate that.

Last edited: 25/09/2018 at 20:59 by 58050
Reason: corrected typo

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LTS 1994 - 1995 Timetable 26/09/2018 at 22:44 #112340
212 posts
Is this a thread for beta testers or is the release of this timetable imminent?
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LTS 1994 - 1995 Timetable 27/09/2018 at 00:04 #112341
5239 posts
Jsun in post 112340 said:
Is this a thread for beta testers or is the release of this timetable imminent?
As Pascal said " I would say that my 1994-1995 timetable will be ready to upload for release".

Beta TTs are not released; they are distributed only to the relevant people involved in the development and testing of the sim. Discussion of beta TTs would not normally be on the Forum but would only be between writer, tester and developer (and then perhaps on the Mantis issue tracker if the TT showed up any sim problems)

Anything released will be available to all users of SimSig. Look forward to it!

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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The following user said thank you: Jsun
LTS 1994 - 1995 Timetable 27/09/2018 at 15:09 #112345
2655 posts
just to clarify there are 3 users testing this timetable apart from myself. I'm currently up to 06.40 on a Friday, AndyG is running a Monnday & is in the mid-morning area & Kev(KymriskaDraken) & Neil(Lazzer) both have copies & hopefully at some point they'll be having bash too. I'm correcting any issues raised & hopefully I can upload this timetable for release within a week. A couple of things have been reported on MANTIS, but whether Geoff has the time to resolve these 2 items before release we'll just have to wait & see, but there are some work arounds so it's not a case of you can't manually sort it. Once I've completed this Friday run through I'll finish off by adding in some random shunt moves from Ripple Lane FLT & Ripple Lane Railhead/H Group Sdgs. Thankfully you have ARS on this sim as in the morrning peak it gets exceptionally busy with well over 30+ trains on the panel. Personally I want to get this tt outsooner rather than later as I will be starting to write another timetable for a developer for a sim under construction. If your interested in testing this timetable Jsun then PM me, many hands make light work.
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LTS 1994 - 1995 Timetable 28/09/2018 at 06:10 #112354
212 posts
58050 just to clarify there are 3 users testing this timetable apart from myself. I'm currently up to 06.40 on a Friday, AndyG is running a Monnday & is in the mid-morning area & Kev(KymriskaDraken) & Neil(Lazzer) both have copies & hopefully at some point they'll be having bash too. I'm correcting any issues raised & hopefully I can upload this timetable for release within a week. A couple of things have been reported on MANTIS, but whether Geoff has the time to resolve these 2 items before release we'll just have to wait & see, but there are some work arounds so it's not a case of you can't manually sort it. Once I've completed this Friday run through I'll finish off by adding in some random shunt moves from Ripple Lane FLT & Ripple Lane Railhead/H Group Sdgs. Thankfully you have ARS on this sim as in the morrning peak it gets exceptionally busy with well over 30+ trains on the panel. Personally I want to get this tt outsooner rather than later as I will be starting to write another timetable for a developer for a sim under construction. If your interested in testing this timetable Jsun then PM me, many hands make light work.
Ah, I thought it could be the case it was in BETA; I did happen to recall there is some lag time between submitting a TT and it being posted.

In any event, appreciate your hard work and normally I'd be excited to do some schedule testing, but I have a few projects taking up my time so I wouldn't be able to give it a fair effort this month unfortunately.

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LTS 1994 - 1995 Timetable 29/09/2018 at 10:30 #112365
620 posts
58050 in post 112345 said:
just to clarify there are 3 users testing this timetable apart from myself. I'm currently up to 06.40 on a Friday, AndyG is running a Monnday & is in the mid-morning area & Kev(KymriskaDraken) & Neil(Lazzer) both have copies & hopefully at some point they'll be having bash too.
I should just mention that due to my current shifts, and other annoying life stuff, I haven't been able to partake in the testing of this TT as fully as I'd like. But I will certainly look it over in the near future.

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LTS 1994 - 1995 Timetable 29/09/2018 at 15:19 #112368
2655 posts
In view of the fact that Geoff has mentioned that he might not be around due to family commitments this means that I'm thinking about releasing the LTS 1994-1995 timetable as it is There are some items on MANTIS out-standing, but as mentioned above this could take a while befo9re they get resolved. So my question is to the users out there would you like me to upload this timetable in it's present state & then at a later date I'll sort out6 the remaining bits once those items have been fixed & an updated version of the sim has been relesed. I'll put this to the vote. At present there are 2,625 trins in the timetable & the items that aven't yet been added are the RIPPLE LANE WEST PILOT & RIPPLE LANE FREIGHTLINER PILOT SHUNTS. The other out-standing item is a set of wagons that form M62 for some reason won't Join to the loco booked to work the wagons away. Something I'm currently looking at. But in any event if most people want me to upload the timetable then I'll do that. There will also be a number of splash screens included of locos in Ripple Lane West Yard & Ripple Lane TMD.
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The following user said thank you: mfloyd
LTS 1994 - 1995 Timetable 30/09/2018 at 09:23 #112375
93 posts
Well it's a yes please from me. The good thing about your timetables Pascal is that they are always evolving.
cliff cook
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The following user said thank you: 58050
LTS 1994 - 1995 Timetable 30/09/2018 at 13:36 #112383
2655 posts
OK I'll sort it out when I've had a cup of tea. However there are 1 or 2 things to be aware of:-
1. AC locos such as Cl.90/1 or 87101(yes this loco is in the timetable as the RfD Cl.90/1 diagrams also cater for 87101, these locos are ticked as eletrco-diesel even though in real life they weren't. This is done otherwise when the train stops in Ripple Lane Exch. Sdgs the loco won't move due to there being no OLE beyomd the signals. So locos wouldn't be able to reverse behind 830 signal.
2.RIPPLE LANE FREIGJHTLINER PILOT & RIPPLE LANE WEST YARD shunt haven't been added due to of the places they would go don't have valid paths as yet. They will be added at a later date when those issues have been resolved.
3. Originally I wanted to seed 2 track machines one in each of the sdgs at Pitsea. Unfortunatelythere isn't a location in the list for reversing trains behind 560 signal, so for the time being one of 2 track machines will seed in the Up Sdg at Pitsea.
4. There's a MWFO trip wkg from Temple Mills to MOD Pig's Bay at Shoeburyness. Please be aware that the timings of this train are haphazrd as these weren't regular runner, only on an as required basis. There is also a redundant Southern Region EMU stock movement to Pig's Bay as this was quite a regular runner during 1994/1995 usually worked by 47702 or 4771 off Stratford TMD as these locos haD BEEN MODIFIED TO CREATE A HIGHER BRAKE PRESSURE FOR STOCK MOVEMENTS.
tHERE ARE ALSO A HANDFUL OF PHOTOS WHICH kEV(kYMRISKAdRAKEN) HAS KINDLY RE-SIZE FOR SPLASH SCREENS. tHESE PHOTOS INCLUDE SOME TAKEN FROM rIPPLE lANE SIGNAL BOX OVER LOOKING THE YARD & OTHER AT rIPPLE lANE tmd IN THE 1980S & 1990S. Apologise to users for the fact that this timetable might not be up to the usual standard, but due to issues mentioned earlier in this thread you could end p waiting 3 months or more before the timetable could be released waiting foritems to be reso9lved. But in it's present format you could probably count on 1 hand the remaining out-standing issues, but I'm sure you'll enjoy this busy timetable.
If anyone comes across any potential issue then please post on this thread. I'll send the files for up loading to the library shortly.

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The following users said thank you: Phil-jmw, bossman
LTS 1994 - 1995 Timetable 30/09/2018 at 13:50 #112384
2655 posts
Timetable file & splash screens submitted & awaiting moderator approval.
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The following user said thank you: bossman
LTS 1994 - 1995 Timetable 30/09/2018 at 15:54 #112385
2655 posts
Now available in the downloads section.
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The following users said thank you: bossman, Phil-jmw
LTS 1994 - 1995 Timetable 30/09/2018 at 19:13 #112387
2655 posts
I'm currently running a MONDAY timetable & have found a couple of issues that have slipped through the net & subsequently fixed. So I'll send an updated copy of the timetable with those correction tomorrow as I might come across one or two others. The main problem is 5B23 Shoeburyness CSD - P2 which forms 2B23 06.52 deoarture. It would appear that the decision has become corrupted & as a reult not all the EMU types have the correct clss of train against them & as a result you mayget 2 enter one behind the other. If this happns just delete the nd one that enters.
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The following user said thank you: BarryM
LTS 1994 - 1995 Timetable 01/10/2018 at 11:05 #112402
2655 posts
V2.1 of this timetable uploaded for moderator approval. V2.1 has had a platform change on one train at Barking which I noticed calling in P4, but now changed to P5. A coup0le of missing rules applied & also a couple of instances whereby originally the unit decision hadn't amended itself whilst saving so that's been re-corrected & now shows the right unit types against each of the 5 schedules & prevent the same train entering more than once.
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LTS 1994 - 1995 Timetable 01/10/2018 at 11:18 #112403
235 posts
5B01 issue sorted, my error it seems.

7Z02 is runnin at 2MPH also im guessing this simulates engineering works!?

Last edited: 01/10/2018 at 11:36 by chrisdmadd
Reason: None given

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LTS 1994 - 1995 Timetable 01/10/2018 at 12:02 #112404
2655 posts
Yes you are correct, both on track machines run at 2MPH between Pitsea & Standford Le Hope before departing from there off sim.
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LTS 1994 - 1995 Timetable 01/10/2018 at 16:29 #112407
2655 posts
V2.1 of this timetable now available in the downloads section. Thanks to the moderator who approved this.
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The following users said thank you: Phil-jmw, bossman
LTS 1994 - 1995 Timetable 02/10/2018 at 10:42 #112415
Andrew G
552 posts
A couple of observations:

When freight trains detach vehicles with the front portion continuing it might be better if the detach rear head code was the new working rather than waiting until the shunt loco attaches. For example 4L50 detaches vehicles at Ripple Lane which ultimately form 9L50 but only after the shunt loco attaches. This means you have two 4L50 for a period and you need to use F2 or F4 to find out route for the front portion.

5B02 forms a return working of 2B02 at Pitsea and is scheduled to use P4. This means 2B02 departs under a subsidiary signal. Using P3 would avoid the need for this.

Finally is it worth asking a moderator to move this thread into the LTS Timetable section of the forum?

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The following user said thank you: Ginger
LTS 1994 - 1995 Timetable 02/10/2018 at 14:19 #112418
2655 posts
Andrew G in post 112415 said:
A couple of observations:

When freight trains detach vehicles with the front portion continuing it might be better if the detach rear head code was the new working rather than waiting until the shunt loco attaches. For example 4L50 detaches vehicles at Ripple Lane which ultimately form 9L50 but only after the shunt loco attaches. This means you have two 4L50 for a period and you need to use F2 or F4 to find out route for the front portion.

5B02 forms a return working of 2B02 at Pitsea and is scheduled to use P4. This means 2B02 departs under a subsidiary signal. Using P3 would avoid the need for this.

Finally is it worth asking a moderator to move this thread into the LTS Timetable section of the forum?

Firstly with reagrds to the detached portion of the freight train 4L50. As I mentioned when this timetable was sent for moderator approval it isn't quite the finished article yet. Once some of the out-standing issues have been resolved & the Ripple Lane Freightliner & West Yard Pilot moves have been entered then the current arrangement with 4L50 will no doubt change.
Your second point regarding 5B02. I think you've got the TD wrong here. 5B02 is an ECS from East Ham EMUD to Southend Central P1 which acts as a standby unit in case of failure & is as per the WTT. The train you are referring to is 5B07 which originally was platformed into P2, but was usually delayed due to the train that runs in front of it. So it was changed to P4. I don't really see then sense in changing the platform jusy because of the subsiduary signal on departure because 2B07 forms a staff train & not a public passenger train, so the usual regualtions wouldn't really apply to 2B07 as the only people travelling on it are railway staff.

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The following user said thank you: Andrew G
LTS 1994 - 1995 Timetable 02/10/2018 at 14:23 #112420
Andrew G
552 posts
Comments noted re earlier post.

On a Tuesday session 5R11 enters twice. The UIDs are:


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LTS 1994 - 1995 Timetable 02/10/2018 at 14:58 #112422
2655 posts
Andrew G in post 112420 said:
Comments noted re earlier post.

On a Tuesday session 5R11 enters twice. The UIDs are:

OK thanks for that Andrew I've corrected it. If you want to do a fix for it what has happened here & it's not the first time this has happened, but the unit type on the decision hasn't saved. They are all correct apart from the ones you've listed. If you change the unit type on the schedule with a Cl.312 unit from Cl.302 to Cl.312 & then save it you'll find that that error won't occur again. It's because the unit type on the decision for the train with a Cl.312 unit shows Cl.302. So each time the decision picks Cl.302 you'll get 2 5R11's entering. Fixed for V2.2 update.

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LTS 1994 - 1995 Timetable 02/10/2018 at 14:59 #112423
235 posts
So on V2.1 for me 0L70 doesnt reverse at 1138 signal as it should, I manually reversed it from 1135, then on its return it runs to LOS 1112 and fails to reverse for 1115 signal.
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LTS 1994 - 1995 Timetable 02/10/2018 at 15:13 #112424
2655 posts
chrisdmadd in post 112423 said:
So on V2.1 for me 0L70 doesnt reverse at 1138 signal as it should, I manually reversed it from 1135, then on its return it runs to LOS 1112 and fails to reverse for 1115 signal.
Yes that's correct, that's a bug I need to raise on MANTIS if I haven't already done so. You need to manually reverse both 0L70 & 0L71 at both ends. Firstly for 1138 signal & secondly for 1115 signal.

Mantis 0021699 refers.

Last edited: 02/10/2018 at 15:18 by 58050
Reason: None given

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The following user said thank you: chrisdmadd
LTS 1994 - 1995 Timetable 04/10/2018 at 20:28 #112463
3675 posts
Currently up to 03:30 with the only issue being 0L70.

This timetable brings back loads of memories of trips to Thorpe Bay, leigh and Shoeburyness from Southend (my great nan lived in flat overlooking Central Station and platform tickets were 10p!)

Curiously enough I don't remember any flat fronted EMUs, only the 310s and 312s which always had great atmosphere and presence.

It also reminded me of these shuttles:


The website says they were Sunday workings but I'm sure one year they also ran on weekdays out of rush hour with a 45407 and 80098. The shuttles were weird as instead of running top and tail, the rear loco ran light engine a few minutes after the main train.

"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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LTS 1994 - 1995 Timetable 04/10/2018 at 22:25 #112465
6361 posts
jc92 in post 112463 said:
This timetable brings back loads of memories of trips to Thorpe Bay, leigh and Shoeburyness from Southend (my great nan lived in flat overlooking Central Station and platform tickets were 10p!)
I used to do a paper round around that area, going past the signalbox every day.

SimSig Boss
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LTS 1994 - 1995 Timetable 05/10/2018 at 09:04 #112468
3675 posts
58050 in post 112418 said:
Andrew G in post 112415 said:
A couple of observations:

When freight trains detach vehicles with the front portion continuing it might be better if the detach rear head code was the new working rather than waiting until the shunt loco attaches. For example 4L50 detaches vehicles at Ripple Lane which ultimately form 9L50 but only after the shunt loco attaches. This means you have two 4L50 for a period and you need to use F2 or F4 to find out route for the front portion.

5B02 forms a return working of 2B02 at Pitsea and is scheduled to use P4. This means 2B02 departs under a subsidiary signal. Using P3 would avoid the need for this.

Finally is it worth asking a moderator to move this thread into the LTS Timetable section of the forum?

Firstly with reagrds to the detached portion of the freight train 4L50. As I mentioned when this timetable was sent for moderator approval it isn't quite the finished article yet. Once some of the out-standing issues have been resolved & the Ripple Lane Freightliner & West Yard Pilot moves have been entered then the current arrangement with 4L50 will no doubt change.
Your second point regarding 5B02. I think you've got the TD wrong here. 5B02 is an ECS from East Ham EMUD to Southend Central P1 which acts as a standby unit in case of failure & is as per the WTT. The train you are referring to is 5B07 which originally was platformed into P2, but was usually delayed due to the train that runs in front of it. So it was changed to P4. I don't really see then sense in changing the platform jusy because of the subsiduary signal on departure because 2B07 forms a staff train & not a public passenger train, so the usual regualtions wouldn't really apply to 2B07 as the only people travelling on it are railway staff.
Definetely 5B02 forming 2B02. I've got it in sim in front of me now. I ran it in front of the class 2 rather than behind it.

Also none of the EMUs have terminate reverse dwell times so they aren't dwelling when they form a new service. I had a unit 26 mins late into Shoeburyness that instantly range out for its next working and departed.

"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
Last edited: 05/10/2018 at 09:26 by jc92
Reason: None given

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