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Pre-Order System Idea

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Pre-Order System Idea 04/07/2019 at 09:39 #119253
1181 posts
This has been on my mind for last couple of months about how SimSig could add/use a Pre-ordering system. While I have been thinking about it during timetable writing and testing I've come up with an idea.

When a developer or in a SimSig meet confirms a sim that's in developement and would be out in the coming days/months let's say 3 days or 3 months. Using that info to place a Pre-Ordering system of the said simulation where the person who fanices that sim then can pre-order the said sim and pay for it automatically. Then be granted a licesce for the simulation, but won't be able to use it until the sim is released. Something to the liking of "Pre-Ordring a CD off Amazon" etc.

As I say this was an idea/thinkbrain idea, a Pre-Ordering system on SimSig could be ideal but then might not be ideal depending on the circumstances. Also this isn't a pop to the developers/testers/timetable developers here, who work tirelessly on bringing new/updated simulations & timetables to the SimSig world.

I would like to see other fellow SimSiggers ideas here too.

Aaron (AJRO) | Timetable Writer
Last edited: 04/07/2019 at 09:39 by HST125Scorton
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Pre-Order System Idea 04/07/2019 at 09:55 #119254
Peter Bennet
5395 posts
I can see why you might want to "pre-order" goods, so they are delivered to your home directly and at the earliest opportunity, I can't see the point of pre-ordering services that you can get virtually instantaneously when you request them.

I suppose you could get up in the morning and find your Sim pre-installed and ready to go, and not waste a few minutes sorting it all out through bleary eyes.

Then again, if that's what people want and it's simple to set up then fine.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Pre-Order System Idea 04/07/2019 at 11:00 #119257
1461 posts
In general, pre-ordering games (and I know Simsig hates to be thought of as a game...) is done with two possible perks:

1. Discounts and/or additional features (not sure what Simsig would offer!), are available only to those who pre-order.
2. Providing funding to the creators, in order to help ensure the product actually gets created.

Number 2 applies better to developers or companies who rely on the income from their product - it's the age-old issue of needing to spend all your money before you get any back. Less of an issue for Simsig.

Peter's point about pre-installation is (was?) also touted as a benefit for fancy games with many GB of data, where on a slower connection it might take a days to download, especially if demand outstripped the server's upload capability. Again, not really a problem for Simsig, where it takes a couple of minutes at worst!

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Pre-Order System Idea 04/07/2019 at 11:25 #119259
5239 posts
The idea also pre-supposes that SimSig can be run in a commercial manner with a timeline for project development and completion and the ability to assign resources to hit that timeline. While SimSig tries to work in as professional a manner as possibly, that model doesn't fit how SimSig developers can work. As SimSig development is generally a part-time assignment which has to fit round family and professional lives a developer may set out a timescale with the best of intentions then have real life get in the way and put weeks or months of delay into the timeline. It is not possible to make the standard business response and draft in extra development resource if that happens because of the issues around intellectual property and assignment of the revenues when the project is released.

What happens in a pre-ordering system if a sim is planned to appear in three months, attracts pre-orders and then suffers an indeterminate delay? Does there then have to be another layer of administration so that each person who has pre-ordered has to be contacted and be given the chance to cancel the order and withdraw the future payment? It all starts to get a bit messy and I'm not sure there are enough benefits to outweigh the potential downsides.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Pre-Order System Idea 04/07/2019 at 11:28 #119260
4869 posts
postal in post 119259 said:
The idea also pre-supposes that SimSig can be run in a commercial manner with a timeline for project development and completion and the ability to assign resources to hit that timeline. While SimSig tries to work in as professional a manner as possibly, that model doesn't fit how SimSig developers can work. As SimSig development is generally a part-time assignment which has to fit round family and professional lives a developer may set out a timescale with the best of intentions then have real life get in the way and put weeks or months of delay into the timeline. It is not possible to make the standard business response and draft in extra development resource if that happens because of the issues around intellectual property and assignment of the revenues when the project is released.

What happens in a pre-ordering system if a sim is planned to appear in three months, attracts pre-orders and then suffers an indeterminate delay? Does there then have to be another layer of administration so that each person who has pre-ordered has to be contacted and be given the chance to cancel the order and withdraw the future payment? It all starts to get a bit messy and I'm not sure there are enough benefits to outweigh the potential downsides.
I was going to write something a bit later, but the section you've covered in bold sums up my thoughts.

@Danny252 also covers my other thoughts around there not being really a need to pre load the sim.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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Pre-Order System Idea 04/07/2019 at 12:58 #119261
3675 posts
I think the only benefit to this is being able to pay for something when you have free cash and know its done to avoid a sim coming out when you're penniless and waiting for payday and have to wait to buy it.

That said I'm in the against camp having a grasp of things behind the scenes. A sim can be imminent then get knocked back massively due to new information received or a massive bug occurring etc. That's unavoidable but would doubtless cause issues for people who have paid and not received anything.

"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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Pre-Order System Idea 04/07/2019 at 15:57 #119262
1181 posts
Thanks to all that replied, this was only a idea and so I placed it here to see what others think about it. As by what’s mentioned it wouldn't be a good idea which fair enough. I respect that we all have personal/professional lives away from SimSig, and I respect the hard work involved with developing/testing sims and creating/testing timetables. Therefore, I think we have the answer that it won't be a good idea.

jc92 in post 119261 said:
I think the only benefit to this is being able to pay for something when you have free cash and know it’s done to avoid a sim coming out when you're penniless and waiting for payday and have to wait to buy it.
This happens to fall into my category as my wage is at the start of the month instead of the normal end of the month wage. So, I tend to lose out on sims if they release at the end of the month.

Aaron (AJRO) | Timetable Writer
Last edited: 04/07/2019 at 16:01 by HST125Scorton
Reason: Spelling.

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Pre-Order System Idea 04/07/2019 at 16:53 #119264
1167 posts
You can via a Direct Debit instruction deposit into "PayPal Balance" on the "Wallet" tab, but it looks like it might be a hassle. You do need web banking though: https://www.paypal.com/myaccount/money/balances/summary

EDIT: Just tried this with Lloyds and it did accept the banking code (after a few minutes) and I can now make a transfer should I so desire.

Jamie S (JAMS)
Last edited: 04/07/2019 at 17:11 by 9pN1SEAp
Reason: None given

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Pre-Order System Idea 04/07/2019 at 19:00 #119265
Peter Bennet
5395 posts
9pN1SEAp in post 119264 said:
You can via a Direct Debit instruction deposit into "PayPal Balance" on the "Wallet" tab, but it looks like it might be a hassle. You do need web banking though: https://www.paypal.com/myaccount/money/balances/summary

EDIT: Just tried this with Lloyds and it did accept the banking code (after a few minutes) and I can now make a transfer should I so desire.
You could always just put a couple of quid in that every month and save up that way. When I was a lot younger I had several building society accounts saving for different things.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Pre-Order System Idea 04/07/2019 at 19:08 #119266
332 posts
I was just about to suggest opening a SimSig-specific savings account
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Pre-Order System Idea 04/07/2019 at 20:55 #119267
Red For Danger
171 posts
How about another suggestion for those of us who struggle or cannot afford to buy licenses for sims.

Has anybody thought about having a monthly subscription which buys access to any of the sims without having to buy individual licenses along the same lines a (for example) a music streaming service.....?

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