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Network Rail WTT - Letter Codes

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Network Rail WTT - Letter Codes 31/12/2019 at 12:29 #122662
1285 posts
Greetings all,

After a long absence from working on it (due to a hardware failure) I am now going to start adding in the freight workings for my Exeter Sim timetable for the December 2019 TT changes. There will be two TTs: one for 16th December and the other for the 17th December and there are slight variations in both.

I have, as I write this, the NR WTT for December 2019-May 2020 on my other screen and am curious as to the use of some of the letters so I am hoping that someone can answer the queries below.

Q = Runs as required
Y = ?

TIMING LOADS (and what settings for these, save the light locos which I will do at 20m):
UTU-R = ?
UTU-T = ?
60-66S08 = ?
60-TR40 = ?
60H66S18 = ?
SAND-D = Sandite (I think)?
55-TR100 = ?
LD60 (or LD75) = Light Loco, 60mph (or 75mph) I think.

TIMES (letters and symbols therein.)
00@00 (@ = ?)
00@@00 (@@ = ?)
00Ck00 (Ck = ?)
00PRRM00 (RM = Reversing Movement, PR = ?)

Also how to tell (OOI) if the freight train is loaded or empty?
Thanks in advance. I hope to get this TT released ASAP so will be glad for any help. I have the operating days worked out already.


Last edited: 31/12/2019 at 12:30 by DaveHarries
Reason: None given

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Network Rail WTT - Letter Codes 31/12/2019 at 13:04 #122663
1181 posts
UTU-R = Recording Test Train
UTU-T = Test Train Transfer

60H66S18 = Train Speed 60mph, Class 66 with load of 18 wagons.

LD60 (or LD75) = Light Loco, 60mph (or 75mph) I think = Light Diesel timed at 60mph or 75mph.

DaveHarries in post 122662 said:
Greetings all,

After a long absence from working on it (due to a hardware failure) I am now going to start adding in the freight workings for my Exeter Sim timetable for the December 2019 TT changes. There will be two TTs: one for 16th December and the other for the 17th December and there are slight variations in both.

I have, as I write this, the NR WTT for December 2019-May 2020 on my other screen and am curious as to the use of some of the letters so I am hoping that someone can answer the queries below.

Q = Runs as required
Y = ?

TIMING LOADS (and what settings for these, save the light locos which I will do at 20m):
UTU-R = ?
UTU-T = ?
60-66S08 = ?
60-TR40 = ?
60H66S18 = ?
SAND-D = Sandite (I think)?
55-TR100 = ?
LD60 (or LD75) = Light Loco, 60mph (or 75mph) I think.

TIMES (letters and symbols therein.)
00@00 (@ = ?)
00@@00 (@@ = ?)
00Ck00 (Ck = ?)
00PRRM00 (RM = Reversing Movement, PR = ?)

Also how to tell (OOI) if the freight train is loaded or empty?
Thanks in advance. I hope to get this TT released ASAP so will be glad for any help. I have the operating days worked out already.


Aaron (AJRO) | Timetable Writer
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Network Rail WTT - Letter Codes 31/12/2019 at 13:37 #122665
1105 posts
HST125Scorton in post 122663 said:

60H66S18 = Train Speed 60mph, Class 66 with load of 18 wagons.
For 60H66S18 and 60-66S08 The last 2 digits of these 2 timing loads are the trailing weight of the train so for the first one 60H66S18 the 18 would represent 1800 tons and in 60-66S08 the 08 would represent 800 tons.

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Network Rail WTT - Letter Codes 31/12/2019 at 14:00 #122667
895 posts
Dave, replys below to most that hasn't been answered

Q = Runs as required

Y = May run to alternative destination, from alternative origin or via an intermediate route (EG 1C50 can go multiple different routes between reading and Exeter)


60-66S08 = ?
First 2 characters are the speed, here 60mph,
3rd Indicates whether the timings incorporate RT3973 speed restrictions, the dash is for Standard SRTs
4&5th Loco Class, here a Class 66
6th Indicates whether the train is single or double headed, Here its Single
7&8th Trailing weight in hundreds of tonnes with final two figures omitted, Here its 08 meaning beween 800 and 899 trailing tons

60-TR40 = ?
Diesel hauled class 6, 7 and 8 trains (other than class 60 hauled) without specifyinga particular traction class. The maximum trailing weight on which the timing is based can be determined by reference to Timing Reference Matrix.
So 60 MPH, Standard SRTs, then look at the Timing Reference Matrix in CY00 for details as the load will vary depending on the traction. TR 40 for a class 37 is only 305 tons, whereas for a class 59 its 700

60H66S18 = ?
Similer to 60-66S08, differences are;
H = Heavy Axle weight train
18 for 1800 to 1899 Tons (so this is likely to be loaded)

55-TR100 = ? Same as the 60-TR40 above, 55mph max speed, Standard SRTs, then tonnage will depend on traction

LD60 (or LD75) = Light Loco, 60mph (or 75mph) I think. Correct but its a Light Diesel Loco, LE also exists for Light Electric Loco

TIMES (letters and symbols therein.)
00@00 (@ = ?)
Operating change at this location (look at the footnotes on the page to see what the change is. On the UTUs its gernerally a change from UTU-R to UTU-D and vice versa
00@@00 (@@ = ?) Again Operating Change in this location, looks to be for 3Q52 on PF18, column 3 its Operating Characteristics Change from QY to Q at St Budeaux Jn.
00Ck00 (Ck = ?) So this is 2 different codes. The C is Stops to change train crew only. The k is indicating that the train arrives earlier at the location than the time shown, as the location only has a depatrure line. In the case of 6V99 on PF18 column 9, the table only starts with a departure time from exeter riverside, finding the train in PF17, the service arrives at exeter riverside at 0016
00PRRM00 (RM = Reversing Movement, PR = ?) PR is Propelling movement between points shown

Also how to tell (OOI) if the freight train is loaded or empty? Bit of guesswork, but trailling tonnage will give you an idea. If a train is going from A to B with a trailing tonnage code of 08 and from B to A with 18 as the code, then its likely to be loaded B to A and empty A-B. Locations will also give you an idea. if the train is Merehead Quarry to Exeter Riverside its likely to be loaded, a train in the other direction is likely to be empty#

I will say that PF00 was missing a fair amount of this information, and I have used CY00 (the Freight book for area C) to supliment. Have a look at that book, there is a lot more information on timing loads in there

Last edited: 31/12/2019 at 14:05 by y10g9
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Network Rail WTT - Letter Codes 31/12/2019 at 15:38 #122671
674 posts
HST125Scorton in post 122663 said:
UTU-R = Recording Test Train
UTU-T = Test Train Transfer
UTU-R = Ultrasonic Test Unit performing a recording run (a single shift can comprise a number of separate recording runs), Max Speed 30mph subject to any lower maximum permissible line speeds.

UTU-T = Ultrasonic Test Unit in Transit (not transfer). This could be in transit as follows:-

a) Form depot/stabling location to start of first recording run,
b) Between recording runs in the same shift,
c) From the end of the last recording run in a shift to its stabling location,
d) From one stabling location to another (no recording undertaken) to be in position for its next recording shift.

Transits are Max Speed 75mph subject to any lower maximum permissible line speeds, and any restrictions due to train formation (10mph below line speed if formed of less than 5 vehicles or formed of 5 vehicles but with brakes isolated on the test coach).

A recording shift can comprise a number of recording runs and transits.

Cheerz, Phil.

Last edited: 31/12/2019 at 16:09 by Phil-jmw
Reason: None given

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