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Only a few "users"

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Only a few "users" 03/01/2020 at 07:27 #122718
1750 posts
I have just checked in to the Forum and have noticed that there are only "12 users seen recently."
I suppose that it's a bit early for most people.

I'm Visiting family in New Zealand. Are there many members in this part of the world?

Everything that you make will be useful - providing it's made of chocolate.
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Only a few "users" 03/01/2020 at 07:51 #122719
1111 posts
Dont forget its only 0750 here - plenty of guys in Oz and a few in NZ tho
Passed the age to be doing 'Spoon Feeding' !!!
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The following user said thank you: bugsy
Only a few "users" 03/01/2020 at 15:12 #122723
58 posts
It has been my observation that, of all the multiplayer sessions announced on-site, you certainly don't see many outside early evenings GMT except during holidays.

So I guess there probably really aren't all that many people from the Pacific side of the world (or anywhere else, for that matter). Not enough for regular MP games, at least.

...Not that I could catch up to even half of what was going on in a typical session, but that's off topic.

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Only a few "users" 03/01/2020 at 17:11 #122724
6361 posts
Actually I know of a game that happens early every week with a number of Australian users, albeit privately hosted and not advertised here. Don't forget the population of Australia and New Zealand combined is still less than half of the UK so yes, there will be fewer users.
SimSig Boss
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Only a few "users" 03/01/2020 at 20:19 #122731
Red For Danger
171 posts
The low uptake on games may be because of the insistence of TeamSpeak - I for one can't use teamspeak as I have my PC in a 'shared' environment. Even where games are advertised as being able to use the old F10 dialogue box as an alternative, I am often ignored when I join so I rarely connect to multiplayer games these days as I never get allocated a panel, regardless of how promptly I join a session.

I'm sure that other users have the same problem...……….

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Only a few "users" 03/01/2020 at 21:11 #122733
3675 posts
Red For Danger in post 122731 said:
The low uptake on games may be because of the insistence of TeamSpeak - I for one can't use teamspeak as I have my PC in a 'shared' environment. Even where games are advertised as being able to use the old F10 dialogue box as an alternative, I am often ignored when I join so I rarely connect to multiplayer games these days as I never get allocated a panel, regardless of how promptly I join a session.

I'm sure that other users have the same problem...……….
tis a bit annoying when I want to sit in my living room with the better half without disturbing whatever she's watching.

"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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Only a few "users" 03/01/2020 at 21:17 #122734
1167 posts
TeamSpeak client does have options to disable either or both microphone and speakers so it is entirely possible to use it in "quiet" mode.

I (and I'm sure other hosts) do of course accommodate users who cannot use audio through the TeamSpeak chat window, to include everyone. But running both TeamSpeak and F10 at the same time is unneccessary.

Jamie S (JAMS)
Last edited: 03/01/2020 at 21:18 by 9pN1SEAp
Reason: None given

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Only a few "users" 03/01/2020 at 21:40 #122735
6361 posts
9pN1SEAp in post 122734 said:
But running both TeamSpeak and F10 at the same time is unneccessary.
Not to mention somewhat difficult as you have two mediums to monitor (voice and chat), and chat sometimes gets overlooked, especially when there is a lot of voice chatter. Ultimately it's up to the host to decide how they want to run their sessions though.

SimSig Boss
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Only a few "users" 05/01/2020 at 00:06 #122756
619 posts
I don't host public games on this site, but often am in charge of some reasonably large private games for our crew down under. Our established method is, if you have no mic or can't speak, still log into teamspeak and use the chat function.

Teamspeak chat makes a ding when someone types a message to draw our attention, and it means I don't have to monitor two chat windows at the same time.

Also it allows you to wear headphones and hear the chatter, and you just reply in text form.

It works well for us.

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Only a few "users" 05/01/2020 at 13:22 #122760
254 posts
what is wrong with F10 chat ? It is the only medium I have ever used for multiplayer on Simsig
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Only a few "users" 05/01/2020 at 15:47 #122761
58 posts
Not at all relevant, but this whole text-versus-voicechat thing is reminding me a bit of my time in another simulation group some years back, which was for flight sims, and mostly simulated civilian air transport and traffic control.

I'm not sure if it's still the same now, but back then there were two ways for pilots and controllers to maintain communication, and it was via text or voice, both facilitated by dedicated software for the purpose, which also handled datafeed so you'd actually see others in your game or on your radar scope. The controllers were volunteers trained by the group, and had to pass an exam to a minimum standard before doing any controlling, followed by collection of practical experiences, more trainings, and more exams in a sort of career advancement before they were allowed step-by-step on higher-level positions, while anyone with the appropriate flight sim and the previously mentioned client software can be a pilot.

Consequently that made for three modes of communication, chosen by each pilot on their flight-plan so controllers knew what to expect. The first and most commonly used of these was full-voice which is what it says on the tin, followed by receive-only for those unable to use mic for any reason, and then text-only, which were mostly intended for those playing without sound, and those having difficulty hearing or otherwise understanding spoken phraseology. Controllers were supposed to provide equal service to pilots using any of these three modes of communication and it was a written rule in the regulation, but text-only pilots were often delayed, and sometimes ignored, when controller load picked up during events. Inter-controller communication for coordination during these same events were often done out-of-band by whatever means convenient - often teamspeak or somesuch via voice or text, at least back when I was there.

No comparison was intended here - It was just something I found interesting enough to note. I'd myself have much preferred F10 chat on SimSig, if for no reason other than being unable to understand spoken communication clearly due to my own linguistic limitations. Aviation phraseology is after all standardized and well-formed, while normal voicechat is not.

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The following user said thank you: flabberdacks
Only a few "users" 05/01/2020 at 17:39 #122762
1119 posts
flabberdacks in post 122756 said:
I don't host public games on this site, but often am in charge of some reasonably large private games for our crew down under. Our established method is, if you have no mic or can't speak, still log into teamspeak and use the chat function.

Teamspeak chat makes a ding when someone types a message to draw our attention, and it means I don't have to monitor two chat windows at the same time.

Also it allows you to wear headphones and hear the chatter, and you just reply in text form.

It works well for us.
Indeed which is why I don’t use F10 for my sessions as TeamSpeak has superseded it as it handles both text and voice whereas F10 is only text.

In a nutshell, it’s easier for a client to ask me a question on TS then F10 which is why I encourage it, also much easier to give instructions out to clients.

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Only a few "users" 05/01/2020 at 17:49 #122764
1285 posts
Meld in post 122719 said:
(.....)plenty of guys in Oz(.....)

None of whom, I hope, have been affected by the awful conditions over there at the moment. Good wishes to all our Australian friends, whether on SimSig or not.


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Only a few "users" 05/01/2020 at 18:19 #122765
386 posts
ajax103 in post 122762 said:
Indeed which is why I don’t use F10 for my sessions as TeamSpeak has superseded it as it handles both text and voice whereas F10 is only text.
Forgive me for asking, but wouldn’t it be just as easy to handle text via F10 and voice via TS? You would still have to monitor exactly one place of each format. As TS would be used only for voice and not text, you could leave the window minimized and never look at it. And you can get the dings on incoming F10 messages too. The advantage of this arrangement would be that people who prefer text would not have to go through the rather unnecessary step of installing and setting up TS when there is already a perfectly adequate text communication system built into SimSig.

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Only a few "users" 05/01/2020 at 18:24 #122766
1315 posts
I do sometimes share links in the TS text box when we're talking about things not related to SimSig or the game. They are clickable right away in TS (as opposed to F10); and are also not of any relevance to text-only users who did not take part in the conversation.
AJP in games
Last edited: 05/01/2020 at 18:24 by Albert
Reason: None given

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Only a few "users" 05/01/2020 at 21:57 #122769
587 posts
Hawk777 in post 122765 said:
ajax103 in post 122762 said:
Indeed which is why I don’t use F10 for my sessions as TeamSpeak has superseded it as it handles both text and voice whereas F10 is only text.
Forgive me for asking, but wouldn’t it be just as easy to handle text via F10 and voice via TS? You would still have to monitor exactly one place of each format. As TS would be used only for voice and not text, you could leave the window minimized and never look at it. And you can get the dings on incoming F10 messages too. The advantage of this arrangement would be that people who prefer text would not have to go through the rather unnecessary step of installing and setting up TS when there is already a perfectly adequate text communication system built into SimSig.
In short, no. In our experience with the Aussie crew, it's far harder for everyone else to monitor chat on Simsig, given how it operates, and we are often playing busy sims. At least with TS, we do get an audible notification that someone has posted which is enough to draw our attention to it, and TS is far better equipped for dealing with chats than F10. Also, users who can't use voice (due to technical or environmental considerations) can at least hear what is being said by voice, even if they can't respond by voice.

It has definitely been our preference to use TS for all communications, whether text or voice. It's far easier on all of us.

Sorry guys, I am in the business of making people wait!
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Only a few "users" 06/01/2020 at 00:07 #122773
332 posts
It is very easy to lose or miss messages sent via the F10 chat. They only appear in the F10 window when it is open, they get lost when closed, and otherwise appear in the noisy messages window and can scroll out of view rapidly.
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Only a few "users" 06/01/2020 at 07:54 #122775
619 posts
Yeah, Teamspeak chat is simply a better chat application than F10. Handles links, audible notifications, can see more in a small window, etc
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