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Random Hosting Discussion

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Multiplayer 05/02/2020 at 01:19 #123164
58 posts
Sometimes I really hope there's a more robust multiplayer system - The classical method of direct-connection-over-Internet had become difficult with the proliferation of carrier-grade NAT and other showstoppers, as far as hosting went.

Though I knew that anything else would have been non-trivial to implement, costed plenty of maintain, and quite probably open to abuse without due care.

Last edited: 05/02/2020 at 07:56 by headshot119
Reason: None given

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Multiplayer 05/02/2020 at 07:15 #123166
1167 posts
JWNoctis in post 123164 said:
Sometimes I really hope there's a more robust multiplayer system - The classical method of direct-connection-over-Internet had become difficult with the proliferation of carrier-grade NAT and other showstoppers, as far as hosting went.

Though I knew that anything else would have been non-trivial to implement, costed plenty of maintain, and quite probably open to abuse without due care.
This would require a gaming hub and also SimSig to support reverse connections. The hub is relatively simple to build but needs someone/s to operate and maintain. The connection side I don’t know, I defer to Clive et al on that.


Jamie S (JAMS)
Last edited: 05/02/2020 at 07:56 by headshot119
Reason: None given

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Random Hosting Discussion 05/02/2020 at 13:19 #123172
332 posts
I have been considering whether a third party tool to assist multiplayer session hosting would be beneficial. Especially if it were capable of transparently doing NAT punching where possible, or proxying through a server if absolutely necessary.
Integrate in a simple UI to host/connect to a game, and it might make things much easier for newcomers.
(Caveat: I rarely finish projects I muse about, or start working on...)

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Random Hosting Discussion 05/02/2020 at 13:53 #123174
58 posts
9pN1SEAp in post 123166 said:

This would require a gaming hub and also SimSig to support reverse connections. The hub is relatively simple to build but needs someone/s to operate and maintain. The connection side I don’t know, I defer to Clive et al on that.

I was thinking along the line of something more application-specific, perhaps some kind of server-bound application that performs data validation and distribution, and handles connections similar to what the hosting client do right now. The new hosting client would itself connect to this application for application-layer data and stuff forwarded from other clients with (hopefully) little change to the underlying logic...Staple a lobby system on it and you'd basically get a gaming hub, oops...

But yeah as I've said it would be non-trivial to code, costly in terms of bandwidth since it basically proxies all communication, and likely at risk of abuse and exploits for the same reason without due caution.

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Random Hosting Discussion 05/02/2020 at 17:28 #123177
3969 posts
There was a hosting server set up by a user a while ago that let people host without using port forwarding.

I think this was it: https://www.SimSig.co.uk/Forum/ThreadView/40177?postId=80594

I assume it died at some point; the user who set it up hasn't logged in since September and hasn't posted since 2016.

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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Random Hosting Discussion 05/02/2020 at 17:51 #123178
386 posts
Another consideration is that IPv6 is (painfully slowly) gaining traction around the world; if SimSig supported that, there might be some people who are (or will be) behind v4 CGNAT but have publicly routable v6 addresses they could use for hosting. My understanding is that SimSig is not v6-compatible at this time, though I could be mistaken as I have never tried it.
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