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Complex moves and ARS/ACI

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Complex moves and ARS/ACI 10/02/2020 at 21:24 #123222
5239 posts
I have been working on a TT with some complex moves and have found that an expected TD is not showing in the platform berth. It is more than a little complicated but I hope I can explain it clearly enough for people to follow. I have been working with a terminating platform and the chronology is:

09:19 Arrival of 1B10. This has an action of N:2G51. R berth shows 1B10; C berth shows 2G51. As expected.
09:28 Arrival of 2P30. Actions PS:1B10; PS:2G51; J:2G03. R berth shows 2P30; C berth shows 2G51. As expected.
09:40 Arrival of 2K03. Actions PS:2G51; PS:2P30; N:2G49. R berth shows 2K03; C berth shows 2G51; B berth shows 2G49. As expected
09:50 Departure of 2G49. R berth shows 2K03; C berth shows 2G51. As expected.
10:15 Arrival of 2G03. Actions PS:2K03; PS:2G51; J:2P30; N:5P30. R berth shows 2G03; C berth shows 2G51. I expected 5P30 to show in B berth but it did not appear.

I had to manually interpose TD 5P30 after which ARS/ACI worked correctly and the trains all cleared the platform as expected.

Does anyone know enough of the detail of ARS to be able to confirm whether the non-appearance of the 5P30 TD is due to the complex nature of the operation overwhelming ARS/ACI - or is it a bug that needs correcting?

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Complex moves and ARS/ACI 10/02/2020 at 21:51 #123225
1021 posts
I think I understand. I don't have an answer. Would it work if 2P30 was shown in the B berth after departure of 2G49 but before the arrival of 2G03?
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Last edited: 10/02/2020 at 21:51 by Hap
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Complex moves and ARS/ACI 10/02/2020 at 22:11 #123227
6361 posts
2P30 no longer exists so ACI waits forlornly in vain for it to arrive, so it doesn't "join" the TDs and interpose 5P30.
SimSig Boss
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Complex moves and ARS/ACI 10/02/2020 at 22:20 #123229
5239 posts
GeoffM in post 123227 said:
2P30 no longer exists so ACI waits forlornly in vain for it to arrive, so it doesn't "join" the TDs and interpose 5P30.
So expected behaviour as the moves are too complex within the ARS/ACI parameters?

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Complex moves and ARS/ACI 10/02/2020 at 23:05 #123231
Peter Bennet
5395 posts
Got a little lost by "2P30 no longer exists".
Simplified slightly
09:19 Arrival of 1B10. N:2G51. R shows 1B10; C berth shows 2G51
[This train just sits there and I think is irrelevant to the matter other than it occupies the C berth]
09:28 Arrival of 2P30. J:2G03. R shows 2P30; C berth shows 2G51.
[This seems to be the key train, it arrives and awaits 2G03]

09:40 Arrival of 2K03. N:2G49. R shows 2K03; C berth shows 2G51; B berth shows 2G49
09:50 Departure of 2G49. R berth shows 2K03; C berth shows 2G51.
[This train arrives and departs and is only material in that the 2K03 overwrites the R Berth]

10:15 Arrival of 2G03. J:2P30; N:5P30. R shows 2G03; C berth shows 2G51.
[This train arrives and joins 2P30 which still exists as a train till after the join]

I expected 5P30 to show in B berth but it did not appear.

If 2K03/2G49 does not muddy the waters does it work as expected?


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Complex moves and ARS/ACI 10/02/2020 at 23:41 #123234
5239 posts
Peter Bennet in post 123231 said:
If 2K03/2G49 does not muddy the waters does it work as expected?
Haven't tested by editing things out of that particular example but I'm pretty sure that that it works OK in other similar situations where the water is not muddied.

I think the discussion is coming back to the difference between what ARS "sees" and what the core code knows. As far as the ARS is concerned, 2P30 does not exist because it is not living in one of the R/C/B/A berths. The core code knows that 1B10/2G51 is living at the buffer end and that 2P30 is sitting on top of it waiting for the joining train. Writing the actions for a TT involves keeping the two parallel universes in some sort of sync!

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
Last edited: 10/02/2020 at 23:45 by postal
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Complex moves and ARS/ACI 11/02/2020 at 00:46 #123236
6361 posts
postal in post 123234 said:
As far as the ARS is concerned, 2P30 does not exist because it is not living in one of the R/C/B/A berths.
Bingo. Actually you could simplify the scenario somewhat by having train 1 arrive and expecting a join to 3, train 2 arrive and leave, and 3 arriving and expecting a join to 1. With 2 arriving it overwrites the R berth and ARS no longer knows about train 1.

SimSig Boss
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Complex moves and ARS/ACI 11/02/2020 at 02:04 #123237
5239 posts
postal in post 123234 said:
Peter Bennet in post 123231 said:
If 2K03/2G49 does not muddy the waters does it work as expected?
Haven't tested by editing things out of that particular example but I'm pretty sure that that it works OK in other similar situations where the water is not muddied.
I've now tested with a single train double-berthing (as per Geoff's last post) and the TD for the "joined" train does not appear so the performance is consistent; once one or more trains have double-berthed on top of a train due to join a later train, the TD for the "joined" train must be inserted manually.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
Last edited: 11/02/2020 at 02:04 by postal
Reason: None given

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