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SimSig Discord...?

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SimSig Discord...? 03/01/2021 at 21:29 #135937
265 posts
May I perhaps light the fire of the idea of an official SimSig Discord server?

It have many useful features over TeamSpeak, such as text chat, images & GIFs, screen sharing & broadcasting, bots for moderation and other useful services, not to mention that SimSig is the only community I know that still uses TeamSpeak and I think it's quite detrimental to our community that users have to install an outdated piece of software just to talk in some multiplayer games. Many people already use Discord for other communities and are far far more likely to have an account already.

Discord is quite literally aimed at this kind of community, and I really think it would benefit SimSig and provide perhaps and easier/friendlier method of multiplayer communication - plus it's cross-platform and can even be used in the browser.

There are even APIs for Discord - perhaps SimSig could add an option to announce a new multiplayer game (and the connection details) on Discord if the host wants to do so as a checkbox on the set-up screen.

Some of us even run our own Discord servers, so if assistance is required the offer is there.

(Formerly known as manadude2)
Last edited: 03/01/2021 at 21:39 by MrSuttonmann
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SimSig Discord...? 03/01/2021 at 22:00 #135942
1171 posts
There's a few of us already on - https://discord.gg/UwWDe64
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The following users said thank you: MrSuttonmann, Albert, markt, Trainfan344
SimSig Discord...? 04/01/2021 at 14:25 #135957
576 posts
manadude2 in post 135937 said:
There are even APIs for Discord - perhaps SimSig could add an option to announce a new multiplayer game (and the connection details) on Discord if the host wants to do so as a checkbox on the set-up screen.
It's called Rich Presence, and here's a guide by discord on how to implement it: https://discord.com/developers/docs/game-sdk/activities
I've attached a screenshot of how it looks. For SimSig, this could display the simulation, and maybe the timetable name. Would be really cool!

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Last edited: 04/01/2021 at 15:14 by Dionysusnu
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