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Crewe FAQ 21/02/2024 at 20:21 #155437
310 posts
HST125Scorton in post 155435 said:
I'm still getting telephone calls from Crossing Users at Lower Radley even though it was disabled at the start 'NLX_OFF active at start'.
Save provided.

OS: Windows 10 Home 64bit
Loader: SimSig Loader version 5.28; Sim: Simulation Crewe; data version 1.3
License: Locked license in use
TT: Crewe PSB Pre-Covid 2020 v1.2.0
TT filename: Crewe PSB Pre-Covid 2020.WTT
TT merged: False
Sim upgrade: False
Loader upgrade: False
Save reloaded: True
NERA2015 active at start
NERA_DCI_OOU active at start
NERA_DED_OOU active at start
NTORR_ENABLED active at start
NTORR active at start
NLX_OFF active at start
NEXTRA_AUTOS_OFF active at start
NABON_FRINGE_OFF active at start
NABON_INTERNAL_OFF active at start
NPROBLEMS active at start
NNONE active at start
NNORMAL active at start
NSALOP choice 1
Mantis 40337

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Crewe FAQ 27/02/2024 at 12:36 #155497
729 posts
How do I set a route from NH21 to Gresty Lane via GL4 (1990-2007 era)? I can't request a slot for the wrong line move and can't route signal to signal. The manual mentions the block being normal but I'm playing without the block instruments so don't know if that might be causing some sim confusion?
There's the right way, the wrong way and the railway.
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Crewe FAQ 27/02/2024 at 14:23 #155498
1067 posts
What is happening when you hit the RQST roundel?

I've just set the sim up to your settings and have set the route through no problem.

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How to report an issue: www.SimSig.co.uk/Wiki/Show?page=usertrack:reportanissue
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Crewe FAQ 27/02/2024 at 14:52 #155499
729 posts
Nothing - no flashing or solid white in either roundel (applies to all the wrong-direction roundels around SSN). It applies with the onward route set from GL4 too.

I have tried a sim with no TT and the same settings and it works fine, and then with the same TT and again it works fine so I have no idea what has caused it in this specific case.

Fresh Load
OS: Windows 10 Home 64bit
Loader: SimSig Loader version 5.28; Sim: Simulation Crewe; data version 1.3
License: Dynamic license in use
TT: Crewe Summer 2003 Weekday v1.2.0
TT filename: Crewe Summer 2003 Weekday.WTT
TT merged: False
Sim upgrade: False
Loader upgrade: False
Save reloaded: False
NERA active at start
NERA choice 1
NERA1990 active at start
NERA_DCI_OOU active at start
NTORR_ENABLED active at start
NTORR active at start
NLX_OFF active at start
NEXTRA_AUTOS active at start
NEXTRA_AUTOS_ON active at start
NABON_FRINGE_OFF active at start
NABON_FRINGE_SHR_OFF active at start
NABON_INTERNAL_OFF active at start
NABON_INTERNAL_OFF_OLD active at start
NPROBLEMS active at start
NNONE active at start
NNORMAL active at start
NSALOP choice 1
Issue Load
OS: Windows 10 Home 64bit
Loader: SimSig Loader version 5.28; Sim: Simulation Crewe; data version 1.3
License: Dynamic license in use
TT: Crewe Summer 2003 Weekday v1.2.0
TT filename: Crewe Summer 2003 Weekday.WTT
TT merged: False
Sim upgrade: False
Loader upgrade: False
Save reloaded: True
NERA active at start
NERA1990 active at start
NERA_DCI_OOU active at start
NTORR_ENABLED active at start
NTORR active at start
NLX_OFF active at start
NEXTRA_AUTOS active at start
NEXTRA_AUTOS_ON active at start
NABON_FRINGE_OFF active at start
NABON_FRINGE_SHR_OFF active at start
NABON_INTERNAL_OFF active at start
NABON_INTERNAL_OFF_OLD active at start
NPROBLEMS active at start
NNONE active at start
NNORMAL active at start
NSALOP choice 1

There's the right way, the wrong way and the railway.
Last edited: 27/02/2024 at 14:52 by Splodge
Reason: None given

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The following user said thank you: Hap
Crewe FAQ 27/02/2024 at 18:28 #155500
729 posts
Just restarted the sim and TT (made a mess of Basford Hall...) and train one went through fine. Tried a second one and the same unclickable roundels occured. Do certain points need to be set a specific way? I've tried most of the obvious ones but I might be missing some to meet the 'normal' condition
There's the right way, the wrong way and the railway.
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The following user said thank you: Hap
Crewe FAQ 27/02/2024 at 18:52 #155501
930 posts
Splodge in post 155500 said:
Just restarted the sim and TT (made a mess of Basford Hall...) and train one went through fine. Tried a second one and the same unclickable roundels occured. Do certain points need to be set a specific way? I've tried most of the obvious ones but I might be missing some to meet the 'normal' condition
Mantis 40373

Yea, eerm, you've broken it, and, not just a little bit. I will do some digging on whats going on here

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The following users said thank you: wulf, Splodge, Hap
Crewe FAQ 28/02/2024 at 15:14 #155507
82 posts
Where on earth is the location "Crewe Down Loop" and second, why according to the timetable writer is a route CDL - Crewe (DFL) authorised, but not the other way around? If I knew where this location actually was I would probably be able to answer this question myself. But, as I do not I cannot.
7-5-5, closing of comment
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Crewe FAQ 28/02/2024 at 16:08 #155510
1067 posts
RobJ in post 155507 said:
Where on earth is the location "Crewe Down Loop" and second, why according to the timetable writer is a route CDL - Crewe (DFL) authorised, but not the other way around? If I knew where this location actually was I would probably be able to answer this question myself. But, as I do not I cannot.
Down Salop Goods Loop on sim from Gresty to South Panel.

Mantis 40384 to address/query the labeling information.

How to report an issue: www.SimSig.co.uk/Wiki/Show?page=usertrack:reportanissue
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Crewe FAQ 28/02/2024 at 22:12 #155511
82 posts
Hap in post 155510 said:
RobJ in post 155507 said:
Where on earth is the location "Crewe Down Loop" and second, why according to the timetable writer is a route CDL - Crewe (DFL) authorised, but not the other way around? If I knew where this location actually was I would probably be able to answer this question myself. But, as I do not I cannot.
Down Salop Goods Loop on sim from Gresty to South Panel.

Mantis 40384 to address/query the labeling information.
Ok so that sorts that, however we now have the issue of Crewe station -> Crewe Down Loop not being a valid route according to the tt editor. However CDL -> Crewe station, is valid. Bug? Because you can set CSJs UP dir homes to back into the Salop loop, and Gresty can grant the slot. So I feel as tho that should be a valid route on the tt editor.

7-5-5, closing of comment
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Crewe FAQ 28/02/2024 at 22:39 #155512
1067 posts
RobJ in post 155511 said:
Hap in post 155510 said:
RobJ in post 155507 said:
Where on earth is the location "Crewe Down Loop" and second, why according to the timetable writer is a route CDL - Crewe (DFL) authorised, but not the other way around? If I knew where this location actually was I would probably be able to answer this question myself. But, as I do not I cannot.
Down Salop Goods Loop on sim from Gresty to South Panel.

Mantis 40384 to address/query the labeling information.
Ok so that sorts that, however we now have the issue of Crewe station -> Crewe Down Loop not being a valid route according to the tt editor. However CDL -> Crewe station, is valid. Bug? Because you can set CSJs UP dir homes to back into the Salop loop, and Gresty can grant the slot. So I feel as tho that should be a valid route on the tt editor.
Mantis 40390 for missing path.

How to report an issue: www.SimSig.co.uk/Wiki/Show?page=usertrack:reportanissue
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Crewe FAQ 03/03/2024 at 15:43 #155559
729 posts
An unusual pathing issue from the 1993 TT!

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There's the right way, the wrong way and the railway.
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Crewe FAQ 01/04/2024 at 12:31 #155913
1217 posts

Could Crewe Sydney Bridge be removed as required pathing time point on the 2023 era? As this timing point isn't used anymore pretty much since Crewe was released. Basically the following;
Crewe to Sandbach without needing Crewe Sydney Bridge.
Crewe Salop Jn to Sandbach without needing Crewe Sydney Bridge.
Sandbach to Crewe Salop Jn without needing Crewe Sydney Bridge.
It's tedious having to use 00:00 pass tick at Sydney Bridge and when you have a timetable with over a 1000 trains over a 72hr period.

Example 1W18:

Example 4H67:

Aaron (AJRO) | Timetable Writer
Last edited: 01/04/2024 at 12:32 by HST125Scorton
Reason: None given

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Crewe FAQ 16/09/2024 at 14:36 #158558
729 posts
Are there any TTs as yet chainable with the Groundhog provided with Crewe, or indeed user contributed? I know there were TT issues when the sim was released but it seems to be the case still when chained to Manchester South (2015 GH)
There's the right way, the wrong way and the railway.
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Crewe FAQ 16/09/2024 at 17:22 #158562
204 posts
Hi, not sure if it's been mentioned before but trains leaving platform 8 will pull up to the signal when departing even if it's a red
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Crewe FAQ 16/03/2025 at 17:39 #160556
1227 posts
7Q36 is complaining about being held at WD255, but Acton Bridge is a regulating point for this service (as it also is for most services peeling off the CLC) which logically would be this signal not the station platform.

Is there a way to stop these trains from complaining?


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Jamie S (JAMS)
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Crewe FAQ 16/03/2025 at 20:38 #160557
1217 posts
Use Acton Bdg Sig WD161/225 which are the signals before the station. It's above Acton Bridge in the timetable editor.
Aaron (AJRO) | Timetable Writer
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The following user said thank you: 9pN1SEAp
Crewe FAQ 16/03/2025 at 21:40 #160558
1227 posts

I have another issue with 0K38 which has detached off the front of 6K38. It's saying it's stopped at CE161 and hasn't recognised it's at its planned reverse CE572.

Also, there's a phantom error "Non-described train in berth 0192" when you signal a train from Crewe via Up Potteries and the train is interposed at CE190R. If you cancel the **** in the berth the error recurs. The berth IS cancellable if you restart the game. I've attached a save from just before it happens.


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Jamie S (JAMS)
Last edited: 16/03/2025 at 21:50 by 9pN1SEAp
Reason: add details

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Crewe FAQ 16/03/2025 at 22:03 #160560
1217 posts
Berth 0192 is a bug that's been reported to be looked at https://www.SimSig.co.uk/Mantis/Ticket/41959

For 0K38, 0K39, 0G77 & 0O77 make sure Through Line is ticked for the UDL; Otherwise the timetable won't step up to the next location eg CE142/572.

Aaron (AJRO) | Timetable Writer
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Crewe FAQ Yesterday at 20:23 #160573
1227 posts
HST125Scorton in post 160560 said:
For 0K38, 0K39, 0G77 & 0O77 make sure Through Line is ticked for the UDL; Otherwise the timetable won't step up to the next location eg CE142/572.
I tried this but the locos still don't step up.

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Jamie S (JAMS)
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Crewe FAQ Yesterday at 20:42 #160576
1217 posts
This is odd, I checked one of my timetables with yours for Crewe UDL you have everything correct use Stop and Go for Crewe, CE142/572 & CE551. You should use CE142/572 location in the timetable editor for the reversals. 4G77 and others I recommend Near End @30 for Run Rounds.

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Aaron (AJRO) | Timetable Writer
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Crewe FAQ Yesterday at 20:49 #160578
1227 posts
I have no idea why my locos are not behaving right. Maybe a bug?

I tried N@30 for this one, but it complained it was stopped at CE137. Had to use FX to avoid it complaining / overhang on join. It's only just fitting in the loop line.

Jamie S (JAMS)
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Crewe FAQ Yesterday at 21:02 #160580
1217 posts
Try this edited timetable where it's just them trains. I can verify they do run round without issue.
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Aaron (AJRO) | Timetable Writer
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Crewe FAQ Yesterday at 21:29 #160582
1227 posts
Ah! Now I see. Even though I'm reversing at 572, CE572 isn't the right timing point - will change these to CE142/572 (!)
Jamie S (JAMS)
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