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Firefox Upgrade may cause problems

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Firefox Upgrade may cause problems 21/07/2010 at 15:39 #1478
5239 posts
There may be a problem getting into the SimSig site if you upgrade to Firefox 3.6.7 or 4 Beta1. There is a work round by clearing the Firefox cookies. The problem is laid out below.

I normally run with the "remember me" box checked on the login screen so that I am always automatically logged in when I visit the site. I have had a problem lately with both Firefox 3.6.7 (upgraded today) and Firefox 4 beta1 (which I tried earlier in the week).

When I try and access www.SimSig.co.uk I get a blank screen except for a 1 line plain text message at the top of the page telling me that the username or password is incorrect and to use my browser's back button (which of course doesn't take me back to the log in screen which is presumably the intention, but back to whatever site I was on previously). However, I can access the Wiki and Mantis without any problems (and am automatically logged in to Mantis).

When it happened in FF4, I closed that, went back to FF3.6.6, opened up the SimSig site and logged out. FF4 then worked as planned. I also had the same problem in reverse and had to log out on FF4 before I could get into the site on FF3.6.6. The upgrade from 3.6.6 to 3.6.7 overwrote the program so I couldn't use the work-round of going into 3.6.6 to log out. I also went to the SimSig site using other browsers and other computers, logged in and then back out and was still unable to access on 3.6.7

If you forget to log out of the site before upgrading to 3.6.7, the work round is to delete the Firefox cookies - I used CCleaner but there are lots of ways it can be done. It is then possible to get into the SimSig site and log in again from 3.6.7. I haven't yet tried to move from 3.6.7 to 4 beta1 or vice versa yet so can't comment on whether just logging out before closing FF does the trick in those circumstances.


“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Firefox Upgrade may cause problems 21/07/2010 at 15:39 #10140
5239 posts
There may be a problem getting into the SimSig site if you upgrade to Firefox 3.6.7 or 4 Beta1. There is a work round by clearing the Firefox cookies. The problem is laid out below.

I normally run with the "remember me" box checked on the login screen so that I am always automatically logged in when I visit the site. I have had a problem lately with both Firefox 3.6.7 (upgraded today) and Firefox 4 beta1 (which I tried earlier in the week).

When I try and access www.SimSig.co.uk I get a blank screen except for a 1 line plain text message at the top of the page telling me that the username or password is incorrect and to use my browser's back button (which of course doesn't take me back to the log in screen which is presumably the intention, but back to whatever site I was on previously). However, I can access the Wiki and Mantis without any problems (and am automatically logged in to Mantis).

When it happened in FF4, I closed that, went back to FF3.6.6, opened up the SimSig site and logged out. FF4 then worked as planned. I also had the same problem in reverse and had to log out on FF4 before I could get into the site on FF3.6.6. The upgrade from 3.6.6 to 3.6.7 overwrote the program so I couldn't use the work-round of going into 3.6.6 to log out. I also went to the SimSig site using other browsers and other computers, logged in and then back out and was still unable to access on 3.6.7

If you forget to log out of the site before upgrading to 3.6.7, the work round is to delete the Firefox cookies - I used CCleaner but there are lots of ways it can be done. It is then possible to get into the SimSig site and log in again from 3.6.7. I haven't yet tried to move from 3.6.7 to 4 beta1 or vice versa yet so can't comment on whether just logging out before closing FF does the trick in those circumstances.


“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Firefox Upgrade may cause problems 21/07/2010 at 19:06 #10147
1111 posts
I had this problem too last night. So went into clear my cookies just for this site and found that there were 2 passkeys in for the login cookie, which i assume caused a conflict with the site servers. Upto now the new login has worked and no duplicate cookie has appeared.

The strange thing is that all the other sites/forums that need a login havent had this problem

Passed the age to be doing 'Spoon Feeding' !!!
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Firefox Upgrade may cause problems 21/07/2010 at 21:23 #10150
6360 posts
Ouch, just had an automatic upgrade and had the same problem. It seems to be a Joomla permissions problem, though why, I don't know. I'll amend the "failed login page".
SimSig Boss
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Firefox Upgrade may cause problems 22/07/2010 at 01:52 #10153
587 posts
Yep, had the same problem at home but could still get into the site alright through work. Having worked out what the issue was I can happily say I'm Back...
Sorry guys, I am in the business of making people wait!
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Firefox Upgrade may cause problems 22/07/2010 at 11:23 #10158
42 posts
I had the same problem with IE8, happy to be browsing again
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Firefox Upgrade may cause problems 22/07/2010 at 16:15 #10161
222 posts
I had this problem a week or two ago, before FF 3.6.7, so not sure why it should have been. It was the same at home and at work. Chrome had no problem getting in, and as above deleting cookies from FF allowed me to log in again.

You can actually delete individual cookies from within Firefox - Tools>Options>Privacy>Show Cookies, scroll down to SimSig.co.uk and then delete.

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Firefox Upgrade may cause problems 24/07/2010 at 03:09 #10180
135 posts
Just FYI - My FF just upgraded itself to 3.6.8 and has the same problem and solution.
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Firefox Upgrade may cause problems 24/07/2010 at 06:42 #10181
16 posts
It's not unique to those versions of Firefox. I'm running 3.6.6 and had the same problem about a week ago -- same solution again.
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Firefox Upgrade may cause problems 25/07/2010 at 10:19 #10201
51 posts
I think it might not be unique to Firefox. I occasionally use the Simsig website on Safari on my iPod Touch, and a week or two ago I upgraded to iOS 4. When I came to use the Simsig website last night, I got the same bad login page as I've now had twice using Firefox on my laptop. Is it possible it's a fault with the website, rather than with Firefox or Safari?
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Firefox Upgrade may cause problems 25/07/2010 at 14:52 #10212
276 posts
GeoffM said:
Ouch, just had an automatic upgrade

flymo said:
My FF just upgraded itself

I have turned off all automatic updating for everything - prefer to wait a few weeks and then interogate the tekkie sites to see if there is anything untoward on new versions. Have been messed about many times, particularly with Adobe products, so now take the 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it attitude'. That said, any serious 'security' issues may defeat that reasoning.

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Firefox Upgrade may cause problems 26/07/2010 at 13:11 #10226
1171 posts
Quizman said:
GeoffM said:
Ouch, just had an automatic upgrade

flymo said:
My FF just upgraded itself

I have turned off all automatic updating for everything - prefer to wait a few weeks and then interogate the tekkie sites to see if there is anything untoward on new versions. Have been messed about many times, particularly with Adobe products, so now take the 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it attitude'. That said, any serious 'security' issues may defeat that reasoning.
You should *always* update web browsers and Adobe products straight away, they are some of the most insecure things and get regularly targeted.

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Firefox Upgrade may cause problems 27/07/2010 at 10:51 #10253
1315 posts
Chrome didn't upgrade but my password was 'incorrect'. Removing cookies solved the problem.

Simsig is not the only site with problems, also Hyves (the dutch Facebook) had a 'fatal error'.

AJP in games
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Firefox Upgrade may cause problems 30/07/2010 at 21:13 #10348
9 posts
Having problems with chrome as of today. Tried deleting all the personal data, but get the firefox / bad login message
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Firefox Upgrade may cause problems 06/08/2010 at 14:21 #10519
1119 posts
Having problems with IE7 here, the site seems to think I'm running Firefox but I'm not - any news on a cure for this issue?
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Firefox Upgrade may cause problems 11/08/2010 at 06:23 #10635
2158 posts
Upgrade to IE8. I'm happy with it.
Barry, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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Firefox Upgrade may cause problems 03/09/2010 at 19:19 #11268
1315 posts
When I visit Simsig on another PC in the same house (thus same IP), and then back on my own, I also have to delete cookies to come back at Simsig website. Doesn't matter if I login on the other PC.
AJP in games
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Firefox Upgrade may cause problems 08/09/2010 at 15:23 #11320
149 posts
Just upgraded to 3.6.9 today 8/9/10 same problem about login LOL
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Firefox Upgrade may cause problems 27/10/2010 at 22:37 #12200
211 posts
Suddenly cant get your homepage with MS explorer - all I get is this message which is no use to me as I am using explorer and I cant easily manage the cookies in explorer. The message is :
Username or password is incorrect. Please use the back button on your browser to try again.

For those who have reached this page after upgrading to Firefox 3.6.7, you have to remove the cookies pertaining to this site. Why, I don't know. But go to the Tools menu, select Options, click on the Privacy tab, press Show Cookies, and scroll down to SimSig.co.uk. Select Remove Cookies, close the dialog window, then go to the home page. You will need to log in again. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Funny thing is I can get the site no problem with firefox. So can someone tell me how to clear the single cookie I need from explorer to sort the problem. I dont want to clear all my cookies as its a pain.

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Firefox Upgrade may cause problems 27/10/2010 at 22:48 #12201
5239 posts

From the IE8 help file after I entered "cookie" in the search box and selected "deleting cookies" from the list that appeared:

"Deleting cookies
You can delete all or some cookies in Internet Explorer.

To delete a single cookie

In Internet Explorer, click the Tools button, and then click Internet Options.
On the General tab, under Browsing history, click Settings.
Click the View files button.
Click the Name column heading to sort all the files alphabetically, and then scroll down until you see files that begin with the prefix Cookie:. All cookies will have that prefix, and they usually contain the name of the website that created the cookie.
Right-click the cookie you want to delete, click Delete, and then click Yes.
Close the window that contains the list of files, and then click OK twice to return to Internet Explorer.
To delete all cookies

In Internet Explorer, click the Tools button, and then click Internet Options.
On the General tab, under Browsing history, click Delete.
Select the check box next to Cookies. If you only want to delete cookies, clear any other check boxes.
Click Delete, and then click OK.

Some websites store your member name, password, or other information about you in a cookie. If you delete that cookie, you might need to enter your personal information again the next time you visit the site."

If you are not using IE8, presumably the help file for your version should give similar information.


“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Firefox Upgrade may cause problems 27/10/2010 at 22:57 #12202
211 posts
Many thanks for your description Postal. Only problem is I cant find a cookie called SimSig which is just what you would expect with computers - they always find a way to confound !
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Firefox Upgrade may cause problems 27/10/2010 at 23:00 #12203
1111 posts
Now on Firefox update 3.6.11 and still having to clear cookies to access the site, 3 months down the road and still no solution from Mozilla.
Passed the age to be doing 'Spoon Feeding' !!!
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Firefox Upgrade may cause problems 27/10/2010 at 23:09 #12204
5239 posts

If you proceed as the help file suggests and then click on the header for the "internet address" column in the Temporary Internet Files window it orders by internet address (surprisingly enough) rather than name. If you scroll down you should find a group of files from www.SimSig.co.uk. Delete those and you should be able to access www.SimSig.co.uk again (you will need to log in again if you are used to automatic log-in when you access the site).


“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Firefox Upgrade may cause problems 28/10/2010 at 00:47 #12205
135 posts
No that I use IE much these days but just had a look at the Temporary Internet files and the cookie from Simsig is a text file and has the name 'Cookie:<your name>@SimSig.co.uk', this is also in the Internet address field. If you right click on this, you can then delete this one file, as mentioned before.
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Firefox Upgrade may cause problems 28/10/2010 at 10:00 #12209
211 posts
The mystery deepens. I can now access the SimSig site with IE but I cant log on with it. I will just have to be contented with using Firefox to look at this site.
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